Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
Rather than my standard picture of an inflatable turkey, thought (with apologies to Lecrae, I’d give thanks for some of the many blessings in my life.
Count it up, count it up, count it up.
Line ’em up, line ’em up, line ’em up.
Blessed with a tremendous biological family. Blessed to share DNA and a life with these people.
Blessed to be a part of Olivia’s family. Blessed to learn a new definition of the word “family” from Shorty and Doris.
Blessed to be a part of an incredible church family. From Youth Group to Methodist Men to the people I see in the pews on Sundays.
Blessed to have a job and double blessed to have a great work family. 7 AM comes pretty early, but so many of the people I work with make the struggle worth the effort.
Blessed to share a life with this band of brothers. Not one of us has any fashion sense, but I’d still take a bullet for any of them.
Blessed to fit in with this band of sisters as well.
Blessed to be able to share my love of weird cinema with like minded individuals once a month.
Blessed to be a Cyclone and double blessed to have somebody to share so many trips to Jack Trice (a spiritual place for me) with.
Blessed to have a roof over my head that belongs to me. Blessed that I can extend that roof over friends and family when their life needs it. Blessed that when I say, “Want to help paint by house?” 20+ people show up.
Blessed that friends from past jobs are still important pillars of my current life.
Blessed that people that aren’t related to me consider me an uncle to them.
Blessed to have a car that I can drive out of town and not worry about the tire falling off.
Blessed to have so many people in my life that when I say, “I’m coming to your city”, they say, “You’re staying with us right?”
Blessed to have so many people in my life that fill gaps.
Blessed that even though I’m aged, I still healthy enough to still ball. Although pretty poorly these days.
Blessed that even though I’m aged, I still have people in my life that keep me young.
Blessed to have people in my life that want to change the world for the better, when I get cynical.
Blessed to have art in my life.
Blessed to have a beautiful beard. Even if the old guys at my church hate it.
Blessed to have people who will help with projects like this, no questions asked.
Blessed to share a life and a domicile with this crazy beast. Teaches me about selfless love every single day.
Blessed to have a chance to spread my blessings to others, sometimes, with some of my favorite people.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of my blessings. But I don’t want it to start to sound like I’m bragging.
This is just lovely. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and here’s to many, many more.