On the Sunday of Pufferbilly Days I was once again tapped to do photography for the Pufferbilly Days Pet Show by Kio.
There was a lot of Bennett to the Pet Show as Logan and Mom were both judges. Teresa also showed Mocha. I’d like to say that the show was a smashing success, but as the 11 AM start time approached, there was only one entry, a cat.
Fortunately, a couple were walking a couple dogs past the Pet Show and I was able to wrangle them into entering the Pet Show. I mean, I couldn’t have a cat win Best Overall. Not that I hate cats. A completely false reputation.
I also was able to talk Teresa into entering and I almost got Carla to enter, but she couldn’t get Chloe there in time.
Here are some pictures from the event:
So next year, YOU should bring your pet down to the pet show. A good chance that afterwards, you will be able to claim that your dog is award winning!