A few weeks back I tooled around Butler County with Carla harvesting their town signs. I’ve already shared pictures from the beautiful garden in New Hartford. This is a collection of other images I took on the trip.
I have so many questions.
I’m not on Boone’s Art Council and I am not privy to their budget or plans, but I think something they could do that would be cool would be to restore the old faded advertising murals in Boone. You can see how cool they look in Shell Rock. There are at least 2 in Boone I can think of off the top of my head that haven’t been painted over that would look great repainted.
There will be one more collection of pictures from Butler County in the future.
Remember when Glenn and I checked out a Des Moines Register best tenderloins years ago? We tried out Stinky’s in Applington. Good.
I do remember that. Not the Stinky’s part, but the rest of it. I need to try some new tenderloins.