The pictures in the folder 2011-04-27 are a collection of pictures that have mostly been forgotten by history. They’ve been mostly forgotten by me, but in actuality, they are not without significance. At least as they pertain to the history of Photography 139.
The pictures are from a Young Heroes event put on by the Story County Red Cross. Shannon got me the gig as the “event photographer”. Why this collection of pictures is historically significant is because this event was the impetus for starting the Photography 139 Store/Gallery. The event coordinator wanted a place where people could go buy event photos afterwards. So I had to get something like that going and created my SmugMug Gallery. Click on link below to be taken to that place:
Photography 139 Store/Gallery
That is why you can go there and get virtually and Photography 139 image as a print or a mug or a refrigerator magnet or as a luggage tag or a button or a ceramic tile or did I say print already?
Here are some images from that folder:
By adding these pictures to the Photography 139 Gallery, I was able to restore the following historic “An Artist’s Notebook” entry to its original glory:
Young Heroes
Next Saturday’s walk down memory lane will involve a turkey hunt.