STILL LIFE has proven to be a moderately successful theme.
As of 10:59 AM on Monday, February 21, this was the current list of ACTIVE streaks:
+ Evie Gorshe – 1 week
+ Joe Duff – 4 weeks
+ Teresa Kahler – 4 weeks
+ Tamara Peterson – 4 weeks
+ Carla Stensland – 4 weeks
+ Michelle Haupt – 5 weeks
+ Monica Henning – 6 weeks
+ Jesse Howard – 6 weeks
+ Micky Augustin – 6 weeks
+ Becky Parmelee – 7 weeks
+ Andy Sharp – 7 weeks
+ Bill Wentworth – 8 weeks
+ Cathie Raley – 12 weeks
+ Elizabeth Nordeen – 13 weeks
+ Shannon Bardole-Foley – 15 weeks
+ Kim Barker – 15 weeks
+ Kio Dettman – 18 weeks
But you didn’t come here to listen to me talk all tommyrot about participation rates. You came to see the submissions:
Linda Bennett – 1 week
29 submissions from 20 participants! That is a great week! 5 people hopefully started new streaks this week and only Evie and Jesse had their steaks stopped. Evie’s streak stopped at 1 week and Jesse’s streak stopped at 6 weeks. Linda and Suzie were first time participants in this year’s set of 52 themes.
Here are the current top streaks:
1. Kio – 19 weeks
2. Shannon – 16 weeks
2. Kim – 16 weeks
4. Elizabeth – 14 weeks
5. Cathie – 13 weeks
But enough dwelling on the past. Time to look to the future. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future! This week’s theme:
HARMONY! What a great theme for Year 9 of THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE!
But what exactly is a HARMONY image? A HARMONY image is simply a picture of at least two things that team up together perfectly. Like peanut butter and jelly. Cardinal and gold. Laurel and Hardy. Colors can also harmonize. I’m not going to go deep into color theory, but here are a few examples of colors that HARMONYze: Orange-Blue, Pink-Green, Orange-Green, Red-Green, Yellow-Purple, Blue-Yellow, Green-Magenta, Red-Cyan. Also, a HARMONY image could also relate to music as HARMONY is a very important part of music.
When considering possible HARMONY subjects, think on the following quote:
Be in harmony, yet be different.
I look forward to seeing the interpretations!
The picture has to be taken between 12:01 PM today and 11 AM next Monday. This isn’t a curate your photos project. This is a get your butt off the couch (unless you are taking your picture from the couch) and take pictures challenge.
You can send your images to either OR you may text them to my Pixel 5.
That is all I got, so if the good Lord’s willin’ and the creek don’t rise, we will all be sharing our idea of HARMONY in this place that is little more than where my differences try to align on Monday.