The Girl in the Blue Skirt – 2022

Here is your reminder that July 29 is the deadline for the Pufferbilly Days Photo Contest. Entries need to be turned in to the Chamber by 5 PM that day. It is a Friday. You don’t have to be from Boone or Boone County to enter. Just somebody that enjoys photography and wants to share their photos with the world. The world that is Pufferbilly Days.

Here is a refresher on the categories and the rules:

Pufferbilly Days Form - 2022
Pufferbilly Days Form - 2022

Pufferbilly Days Form - 2022

Rule #2 is particularly important:

All photographs must be mounted on an 11 x 14 foam core or gator board that is at least 1/8 inch thick due to the heat and humidity of August in Iowa. The photographs may be any size up to 11 x 14. I’m working on a plan with Andy on making the display window cooler, but it still gets crazy hot in there. That is why we put the display up and take it down in the morning. It is too hot to do it in the afternoon and evening.

I hope at least a few of you and your children choose to participate. Remember, there are 3 age categories this year.

Also, I have a few volunteer positions still open. If you are interested, in volunteering (you can’t do both, enter a picture and volunteer) let me know and hopefully we can find something that works with your schedule and skill set.

Also, if you have a social media outlet where you can post a copy of the Photo Contest Flyer and are willing to do that, I would be almost eternally grateful. Hit me up and I’ll get you a copy of the flyer to post.


For this Flower Thursday, I only have two flower pictures to share. But I like them. Hopefully you will too.

Girl in the Blue Skirt - 2022

Girl in the Blue Skirt - 2022

Next Flower Thursday will feature more flower pictures, I promise.

3 thoughts on “The Girl in the Blue Skirt – 2022”

  1. Thanks. I have pink and orange gerbera in hanging pots this year. Might become a staple of the flowers in my yards. Annual-wise.

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