STREET PHOTOGRAPHY is always the least popular theme. But it is one of my favorite kinds of photography and it was practiced by my favorite photographers. I fully expect it to snap several streaks, but that is okay, I will make you love it!
As of 12:01 PM on Monday, December 5, this was the current list of ACTIVE streaks (ignore the numbers in parentheses):
1-Mary Green- 1 week
2-Mike Vest – 1 week
3-Jen Ensley-Gorshe – 2 weeks
4-Sabas Hernandez – 2 weeks
5-Jesse Howard – 3 weeks
6-Willy McAlpine – 3 weeks
7-Tamara Peterson – 5 weeks
8-Sara Lockner – 11 weeks
9-Suzie Brannen – 15 weeks
10-Brandon Kahler – 16 weeks
11-Linda Bennett – 19 weeks
12-Sarah Toot – 20 weeks
13-Monica Jennings – 21 weeks
14-Angie DeWaard – 24 weeks
15-Dawn Krause – 28 weeks
16-Kim Barker – 34 weeks (2)
17-Joe Duff – 35 weeks
18-Logan Kahler – 37 weeks (3)
19-Teresa Kahler – 46 weeks (3)
20-Carla Stensland – 46 weeks
21-Michelle Haupt – 47 weeks
22-Micky Augustin – 48 weeks
23-Andy Sharp – 49 weeks
24-Bill Wentworth – 49 weeks
25-Cathie Morton – 54 weeks
26-Elizabeth Nordeen – 55 weeks
27-Shannon Bardole-Foley – 57 weeks
28-Kio Dettman – 59 weeks (3)
But you didn’t come here to listen to me talk all tommyrot about participation rates or streaks. You came to see the submissions and what streaks continued and what streaks flamed out:
Angie DeWaard – 25 weeks
25 participants. A decent dip. STREET PHOTOGRAPHY continues to be an unpopular theme, so yes, it will be one of the 52 themes for next year. I will MAKE you LOVE STREET PHOTOGRAPHY!
Sometime soon I will reveal the 52 themes for next year. Probably next Monday.
There were pictures from (assumptions on my part mostly) Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Iowa, Texas, Nebraska, and Kansas from inside the United States. And then from outside the United States, Kim had submissions from Barbados and St. Kitts. Here is my question for you do you think the picture of her wearing a shirt from Barbados was the one taken in Barbados?
My picture was taken about a mile from my front door.
There were no big milestones this week, but there could be some in the near future.
Like expected, STREET PHOTOGRAPHY did snuff out several streaks. Mary and Vest could not extend their streaks to two. Jen and Sabas couldn’t extend their streaks to three. But most heartbreaking, Suzie’s 15 week streak is gone with the wind.
But enough dwelling on the past. Time to look to the future. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future! This week’s theme:
WATER! What a great theme for Year 9 of THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE!
But what is a WATER picture? Simply put, a WATER picture is a picture where one of the major compositional elements is WATER or related to WATER. For example, in the them reveal picture is a WATER tower. The picture doesn’t necessarily have to include straight WATER. But can be something that is WATER related. Or a picture of something that contains WATER.
While considering possible subjects for your WATER picture, meditate on the following quote:
Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it.
-Lao Tzu
I look forward to seeing your interpretation.
The picture has to be taken between 12:01 PM today and 11 AM next Monday. This isn’t a curate your photos project. This is a get your butt off the couch (unless you are taking your picture from the couch) and take pictures challenge.
You can send your images to either OR you may text them to my Pixel 5.
That is all I got, so if the good Lord’s willin’ and the creek don’t rise, we will all be sharing your idea of WATER in this place that could easily be destroyed by one good spill next Monday.