Image Creator Powered by DALL-E

As you may have notice, I have been playing with Artificial Intelligence a bit lately. First with ChatGPT and then with DALL-E. Don’t know what DALL-E is, don’t worry, I had ChatGPT write a blog post explaining it to you:
Sure, I’d be happy to explain DALL-E, an image creator developed by OpenAI.

DALL-E is an artificial intelligence system that can create original images from textual descriptions. The name “DALL-E” is a play on the name of the surrealist artist Salvador Dali and the Pixar character WALL-E.

DALL-E is based on the GPT-3 language model and a computer vision model, which work together to generate images from textual prompts. The system can create a wide range of images, from realistic objects and scenes to surreal and fantastical creations.

To use DALL-E, a user enters a textual prompt describing the image they want to generate. For example, the user could enter “an armchair shaped like an avocado.” DALL-E then uses its language model to understand the prompt and generate a corresponding image.

One of the key innovations of DALL-E is its ability to generate images that go beyond the literal interpretation of the textual prompt. For example, if the user enters “a snail made of harp strings,” DALL-E might create an image of a snail with a shell made of harp strings, or it might create an image of a snail playing a harp made of harp strings.

DALL-E can also generate images that incorporate multiple objects or concepts in a single image. For example, if the user enters “a cat sitting on a hot air balloon floating in space,” DALL-E might create an image of a cat sitting on a hot air balloon with a view of space in the background.

DALL-E has a wide range of potential applications, from creating visual representations of text for people with visual impairments to generating images for use in advertising and marketing. However, as with any AI system, there are also potential ethical concerns around the use of DALL-E, particularly around issues of bias and control over the images that are generated.

Overall, DALL-E represents an exciting development in the field of artificial intelligence and has the potential to revolutionize the way we create and interact with visual media.

Here are some of the first images I made:

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Artificial Intelligence Generated Art

Some of my inputs:

“A giant alligator fighting a giant robot wearing a gorilla suit, digital art”
“A robot wearing a gorilla suit”
“A robot with a old time movie camera for a head standing over a small town”
“A black and white train holding a camera, digital art”
“A robot, part train, part 35mm camera, black and white, digital art”
“Man with a fierce beard, drinking a root beer from a glass bottle, with a golden retriever by his side, sitting on a throne, in the background, a giant alligator is fighting a giant robot in a small town, digital art”
“A chubby man with a fierce beard and a white fedora, on the open road, reading a map, digital art”

It is an interesting toy to play with, until it becomes sentient and takes over the world and enslaves humanity. Oh well, I’d like to say we had a good run, but we really didn’t.

One thought on “Image Creator Powered by DALL-E”

  1. This has now fallen into my top 50 posts of all time on your site. This is so interesting and has me thinking of all the possible applications and business and employees that are going to be affected. Seriously, wicked cool pieces of art you have connected through Dall-E. Thanks for sharing.

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