I know I might have written that I was finally going to start sharing pictures from the Color the Wind Festival today, but instead I’m going to do a recap of the Pufferbilly Days Photo Contest before it gets too long in the tooth.
First, I should announce to those of you that voted in the People’s Choice Award what photo took home the prize:
Road Trip by Savannah Martin
Road Trip received 50 votes. The next highest vote total received was 21 votes.
If you are interested in seeing this year’s photo books, click on the links below:
Readable Photo Book
There is a lot of people I need to thank for making this years Pufferbilly Days Photo Contest a success.
The Judges:
+ Andie DeWaard
+ Janae Erickson
+ Lisa Person
The Administrative Staff:
+ Teresa Kahler
+ Carla Stensland
The Pegboard Builders:
+ Andy Sharp
+ Jason Stensland
The Graphic Designer:
+ Monica Jennings
The Photo Display Team:
+ Dawn Krause
+ Jesse Howard
+ Monica Jennings
+ Graham Jennings
The Book Designer:
+ Michelle Haupt
The Best of Show & People’s Choice Award Creator:
+ Anonymous
The Merchants that hosted the photo entries:
+ Boone Theater (Teen and Adult Places)
+ Ema’s Elegance (Adult Animals)
+ The Houndstooth Haberdashery (Adult Trains, Planes, & Automobiles)
+ Infamous Ink (Adult Black & White)
+ The Lavender Basket (Adult Plants)
+ Paradox (Youth)
+ Studio 721 (Adult People)
I didn’t take as many pictures as I have in the past of the machinations of the Photo Contest but I did take a few.
Here are some from the Judging:
Judging went very smooth. There was some good and spirited debate from the judges and for the first time ever, had to engage in some tie-breakers. Including a tie-breaker for Best in Show.
I already have 2 of the judges picked out for next year. Still thinking on that third judge, for now. But I have a pretty good idea. Or at least a couple of candidates in mind.
Monica and I set up the photo displays on Thursday. Paradox and Studio 721 set up the displays themselves, which was a big help. Monica really put the displays together and I did the grunt work.
Here are some pictures of the displays:
On Saturday Jesse and I tore down all the displays. On Sunday we transported them out to McHose Park. Graham and Monica met us out there and setup the tents and the display. Jesse and I sat out there in the pouring rain all day trying to keep the pictures dry.
Here are some pictures from Art in the Park:
Watching over the photo display at Art in the Park was a pretty cool experience, even if the conditions weren’t ideal. I got to meet and speak with a few of the photographers that I hadn’t met before. And I met one person that is interested in entering next year and another that is an artist that urged their friend to enter this year. I enjoyed all of those interactions.
After Art in the Park concluded Dawn and Nathanial helped tear down the display and the tents. Logan returned all the pictures that weren’t picked up at Art in the Park for me.
All things considered, it was a successful year. I’m not sure what changes I will make for next year, but I know I will need to add some new faces to the list of volunteers. That volunteer might be you!