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Taco ‘Bout It: Boone Food Truck Field Work

Today is St. Patrick’s Day. I don’t celebrate, so no greetings to those of you that do. Stupid greeting card holiday that has become overcommercialized to make people feel bad that aren’t Irish. Bah O’humbug to you I say.

You might be wondering why this post published at 8 AM instead of the customary 8 PM on Sundays. The reason is that there will be another post publishing at 8 PM that will include instructions on how to participate in Year 19 of the Roundball Oracles NCAA Tournament Pool.

This post is about a recent food adventure. I recently hit a taco food truck that was hanging out it Boone. After all, I love tacos. They were selling tacos. I had some cold hard plastic in my wallet that had at least a few bucks of credit left on it. Seemed like a match divined by the taco gods!

So I stopped at give Borracho’s Taco Truck a try. Here are some pictures:

Taco 'Bout It: Borrachos Mexican Tacos

Taco 'Bout It: Borrachos Mexican Tacos

Taco 'Bout It: Borrachos Mexican Tacos

Taco 'Bout It: Borrachos Mexican Tacos

Taco 'Bout It: Borrachos Mexican Tacos

Taco 'Bout It: Borrachos Mexican Tacos

Taco 'Bout It: Borrachos Mexican Tacos

Taco 'Bout It: Borrachos Mexican Tacos

Taco 'Bout It: Borrachos Mexican Tacos

Taco 'Bout It: Borrachos Mexican Tacos

Taco 'Bout It: Borrachos Mexican Tacos

Taco 'Bout It: Borrachos Mexican Tacos

Taco 'Bout It: Borrachos Mexican Tacos

Taco 'Bout It: Borrachos Mexican Tacos

Taco 'Bout It: Borrachos Mexican Tacos

Taco 'Bout It: Borrachos Mexican Tacos

I’ll just cut to the chase. While my empty plate surely indicates that I ate the h-e-double hockey sticks out of those tacos, they weren’t great. I was hungry. I had tacos in front of me. What is a guy to do?

They were less than stellar and in fact, I went to Rico’s Tacos the next day just to cleanse my taco palate.

So my rating is, they would do in a pinch, but I definitely would not go out of my way to eat them again.

How is my efforting to live a healthy lifestyle going?

I think generally things are going well. I seem to have adjusted to the CPAP. I’m hitting my steps goal pretty much every day. I guess one development is that on Wednesday I finally tried the hydromassage at the gym. It was everything it was hyped up to me and more. It is a good thing that they limit you to 10 minutes. Otherwise I would just lay on that thing for hours. I tried the laying down hyrdromassage. They also have a chair version. I will try that hopefully soon and report back.

This week my weight went down 5.5 pounds this week. And I am now down 22.1 pounds since I started Noom. 5.5 pound loss is a bit of an anomaly and is actually probably more spread out over the last 2 weeks, but weight fluctuations and blah, blah, blah. You know.

The 2nd number on my scale changed this week. So that is a 10 pound loss milestone. WooHoo! I am also at the weight that was my goal to be at in early May when I go to New Orleans for work trip for the Computer Mine. So now I’ve re-adjusted that goal my another 10 pounds. Which should be realistic, although you never know when that dreaded plateau is going to hit. But they say, the best thing to do when you hit a plateau is keep moving. So when I hit it, you’ll still see me on that High Trestle Trail on Saturday mornings via Snapchat. Although I suppose a person would be allowed to join me in the person. Maybe.

But weight isn’t a pure indicator of health. So I look for other ways to that show I’m getting healthier. One thing I noticed a couple weeks ago is just how much better I fit into the seats at Hilton. I’m not going to say I used to struggle to get into them. That would be an exaggeration. But now they feel roomie. Well roomie might be a stretch. But I definitely have more room.

I still haven’t purchased anything else for this living healthy lifestyle. But sometime soon I might borrow a kayak and see if that is something I enjoy. Later in the year I might buy a bike again. I’ve tried the bike game before and it didn’t work out. But I think if I get a bike that actually fits me, that might help. We’ll see. That smart scale is still in the back of my mind as well.

That is all to report for now.

Next Sunday’s food adventure will involve one of the greatest culinary disappointments I’ve ever had.