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Burgertime: Kansas City Field Work

When Jesse and I went down to Kansas City to watch Iowa State in the Big 12 Men’s Basketball Championship Game we had time to get a decent meal in the Power & Light District. While it is sacrilegious to some to go to Kansas City and not get barbecue, I didn’t think we had time to visit one of Kansas City’s legendary barbecue places, so we hit a burger place that I went to once for Nate’s bachelor party. The burger place? BRGR.

Here are some pictures:

Burgertime: BRGR

Burgertime: BRGR

Burgertime: BRGR
You know I love some brussels sprouts!

Burgertime: BRGR
I went with the Pickle Monster burger based on an order philosophy I’ve recently adopted.

Burgertime: BRGR
That philosophy is WWENO.

Burgertime: BRGR
So GOOD!!!

Burgertime: BRGR
Don’t you want to just slam your face into it?

Burgertime: BRGR

Burgertime: BRGR

Burgertime: BRGR

Burgertime: BRGR

Burgertime: BRGR

Burgertime: BRGR

Burgertime: BRGR

Burgertime: BRGR

Burgertime: BRGR

Burgertime: BRGR

Burgertime: BRGR

Burgertime: BRGR

I do love BRGR and it is quite a bit more affordable than the steak place I ate at in Miami Beach once called STK. I also like it a lot better. I’m a man of simple tastes. Not that BRGR is a low end restaurant by any stretch of the imagination. I am more at home in a greasy spoon than a high end restaurant. I’m a simple man and a well documented man of the people.

The Pickle Monster was a delicious burger but the real show stopper definitely was the brussels sprout appetizer. I have often laid awake at night think about it. Truth is, it almost didn’t happen. I put in the order for it. Then a few minutes later our server came back and told us that they were out of brussels sprouts. Oh the humanity! So I changed my order to the truffle fries. I remember those as being fantastic from Nate’s bachelor party.

Then the most amazing thing happened. A few minutes before our burgers showed up, the server showed back up at our table. They had more brussels sprouts! I don’t know what happened, but the brussels sprouts gods were shining down on me that day and saying, “Kid, (cause I’m still considered young in their eyes) we got your back!”

The verdict is obvious. I went back. I would go back again. Although the next time I go back to Kansas City I want to hit Stroud’s. It has been on my list for years now and I’ve done nothing about it. This year though. This year it will happen. Also on my list is to go to the Sparks Flea Market. The first flea market is May 1-4. I know I can’t hit that because I’ll be in New Orleans. But the fall show is August 28-31. I could theoretically hit that. But August 31 is also Iowa State’s first home game. I guess I would just have to do a 4 day weekend. The sacrifices I would have to make. Decisions. Decisions.

Next Sunday’s food adventure will take us to the final stop on the Catholic Fish Fry Circuit.


How is my efforting to live a healthy lifestyle going?

This week my weight went down -1.7 pounds. I am now down 34.0 pounds since starting Noom. I am 5.6 pounds away from reaching my May 30 goal. 20.6 pounds away from my ultimate goal weight*. Might not seem super ambitious, but I’ll be gone in New Orleans for 7 days and I have no clue what will go down there. I might come back up 10 pounds. You never know. I’m hedging my bets though.

I’m actually surprised I lost any weight at all this week. My nutrition this week was off-the-chart bad. I ate 4 donuts. Well, 3 donuts and an apple fritter. Ate fast food. Had French fries thrice. Ate fried food 5 times. Had a root beer float. I blame Micky, Elizabeth, Michelle, and Nader for all of this. Just kidding. I’m a hardcore internal locus of control. Almost to a fault.

I also only made it to the gym once. Which means only one hydromassage this week. I’m not sure the hydromassage helps a whole lot with general physical health. It does help in muscle recovery after a workout. But it definitely helps with the mental health!

But I did keep moving, which is definitely important!

But weight isn’t the only measure (or even the most important measure) of positive results. I did order something that will help with my health. Supposed to help reduce stress and should increase general activity levels. It should arrive sometime after I get back from New Orleans. You will think it is pretty cool when it arrives.

Since I started using Fitbit on February 20, 2024 (68 days) I’ve:

+ Taken 874,858 steps
+ Averaged 13,220 steps a day for the last 7 days
+ Walked 406.55 miles
+ Averaged walking 5.97 miles a day

That is all to report for now.

*Ultimate goal weight subject to change.