The Big Easy – Day 1 Phone Pictures – Beta

When we last checked in on Day 1 of my trip to New Orleans for work I was just about to get on the plane in Saint Louis to finish the trip to New Orleans.

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1
Goodbye Saint Louis!

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1
Thanks Southwest! I’m sure I won’t hate you by the end of this trip.

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1
Southwest! The last of the great romantics!

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1
Well, what is yours?

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1
Getting close!

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1
On the ground!

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1
And they didn’t even lose my luggage!

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1
We have to find our own transportation from the airport to the hotel now. Like commoners!

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1
View from our room. Not bad!

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1
So this is Bourbon Street.

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1
My church is getting new shirts. I’ll just say this idea was shot down.

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1
“So I lay prostrate before the LORD for these forty days and forty nights, because the LORD had said he would destroy you.”

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1
I don’t get why this is such a popular combination in New Orleans, but it is.

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1
I wish I would have had some Fat Boy’s Pizza on this trip.

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1
I know a few.

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1
Seems like the kind of church that has credit card swipers in the sanctuary.

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1
Never had any ice cream on this trip either.

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1
Best shirt I saw in New Orleans.

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1

New Orleans Work Trip - Day 1
3rd best shirt I saw in New Orleans.

Most of Day 1 was spent resting in the hotel and wandering around Bourbon Street and the Jackson Square area. This was by far the day I took the most cell phone pictures. However, there are plenty more pictures to share from the rest of the trip.

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