Category Archives: Johnathan

The Archives: Edition Sixty

The following images come from:

Backup/My Pictures/People/Family/Bennetts

All these pictures were taken at a Majors Family Reunion, not a Bennett Family Reunion, but.. whatever.

The strangest thing has dawned on my while I was looking through these pictures. For the first time in my life, I am looking forward to the Majors Family Reunion this year. Another sign that I am getting old.

Next week’s folder will be:

Backup/My Pictures/People/Family/Bennetts/Kahlers/Brandon Kahler

Even More Naima

I have had an army of people take care of Naima while my Mom has been in an out of the hospital the last few months. I am in the debt of all those people:

  • Jay
  • Jason
  • Gary
  • Logan
  • Alexis
  • Johnathan
  • Amy Herrick
  • Carla
  • Teresa
  • Jim Jordan
  • Jesse

Plus, I’m sure there are at least a couple of others that I am forgetting. Thank you and keep up the good work!

More pictures of my golden beast:

I’m sure there will be a ton more Naima pictures as the days, months, and years go by!

Bennett Family Pictures

This post is somewhat bittersweet as these pictures were taken before my Mom’s diagnosis and while she was still being treated by the incompetent doctor. However, I want to remain positive and since things are progressing positively, there is no reason to dwell on the negative.

When she saw these pictures she was surprised by how thin she was in them, so we will be retaking these pictures again in the Spring after she has been able to put some weight back on and before Johnathan leaves for the Air Force.

Probably sometime around the time of Onion Ring Night.

Meet the Bennetts

On the Sunday before Labor Day I hosted a little Bennett Family Reunion. Although none of the Fort Dodge Bennetts attended, I think it was a rousing success. It was the first reunion of its kind in at least 20 years. I hope that we can have another one next year.

Here are a few pictures from the day:

Just a couple notes. This was Naima’s first family function and she handled herself wonderfully for only having been in her new home for 5 days. Amazingly, she had yet to discover human food. That turned out to be a short lived nirvana though.

Also, I only wore that horrible Chiefs shirt to honor my cousin Jordan who is the most realistic Chiefs fan I know. So thanks for giving me that shirts Mr. Baier. It was a hit.

The Archives: Edition Thirty

The following images came from:

Backup/Old My Pictures/Real to Life/Black & White

Real to Life was 1 of the many photo “business” names I have considered over the years.

I’m guessing at some point I considered these to be some of my best or most interesting black & white pictures.

Sugar Ray Hiatt

1 of the first black & white pictures I ever took.

This picture was taken with APS. Remember APS? I didn’t think so.

This dead tree was near the Grand Canyon. I always liked the idea of photographing dead trees. Don’t know I’ve ever taken a good picture of a dead tree.

Brandon and Johnathan during Easter

The Old Nuclear Library Photo

Clinton, Iowa

Also in Clinton

Best Dog Ever

Rick Poore’s hat, glasses, and cigarette. If you look closely you can see Rick and Paul Golden in the reflection. Me too.

Next week’s folder:

Backup/Old My Pictures/Real to Life/Color

The Archives: Edition Twenty-Six

This also seems to be a pretty random collection of photos. Some of these pictures were taken by Teresa.

These pictures come from:

Backup/Old My Pictures/New Photos

Sadly My Photoshop Skills Haven’t Improved

This is the 1st picture I ever had accepted to the State Fair.

This autographed picture was given to me by Steph. Simon Estes pulled it out of his trunk when she asked for it.

Next week’s folder will be:

Backup/Old My Pictures/Photoshop