Category Archives: Kio

Methodist Men NOT a Steak Fry – 2016

The 16th was The Event Formerly Known as the Methodist Men Steak Fry. I think it was an overall success. We served 51 smoked pork chops and 2 hot dogs. Our speaker was Jack Owens, the founder (more-or-less) of The Salt Company.

It was good food and good company and a good speaker. We didn’t even go broke doing it! Here are a few pictures I was able to snap (when I wasn’t working like a dog) of the event.

Hopefully, under the leadership of our poor schmuck president, we hand increase our attendance by like 25%.

A Grandmother Pretends

On the Monday before Halloween the Eastern Star Home’s residents hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. My Mom helps coordinate volunteers from our church to help the residents that need it.

Below are a few pictures from that event.

Directing Traffic

Tamara helping out.

Vi helping out.

I actually don’t know these 2 ladies, but they wanted their picture taken.

Awesome accordion playing lady.

Dwight and Loryl



Jentry… probably thinking about the Illuminati.

The main hallway was insane. You could barely turnaround in there.




I missed a few of our volunteers in the chaos. I will try to do better next year.