Category Archives: Friends

Photo of the Day 0075

I tried and failed 4 times to dine at the Candy Kitchen in Wilton. But years of persistence finally paid dividends and I finally had a strawberry ice cream cone. It tasted like victory! (Photo Assistant: Jesse Howard)
Wilton Candy Kitchen!

After years and years and years of showing up at this place hankering for some old timey ice cream only to have a “CLOSED” sign laugh in my face, I finally was able to slay 1 of my white whales and enter the Wilton Candy Kitchen. I got to knock down a tasty strawberry ice cream cone. I got to tour their closed museum. I got to meet the 100 year old owners. I got to sit in the same table where Gregory Peck once sat.

But I know you are wondering about the quality of the ice cream, well it was fantastic. Perhaps not any better than The Filling Station in Madrid or Cole’s in Slater, but still, perfectly excellent ice cream.