I was commissioned to photograph our winning Living Health Iowa team at the day job.
Not really the right lens for portrait photography, but it is good enough for a newsletter.
Almost halfway done!
Day 179: Where You Slept – Or where I wish I could…
The next 7 themes:
Day 183: You
Day 184: Celebrate
Day 185: Lunch
Day 186: Begins with G
Day 187: My Town
Day 188: Words to Live By
Day 189: Found
The themes for January:
1. Lunch
2. Begins with G
3. My Town
4. Words to Live By
5. Found
6. Happens Everyday
7. Upside Down
8. Lucky Number
9. Natural
10. Manmade
11. Looking Down
12. Colorful
13. Makes Me Smile
14. 3 Things
15. Black & White
16. Sun
17. Tiny
18. Happy Place
19. Breakfast
20. To Do List
21. Blue
22. Nice!
23. Bedtime
24. Your Space
25. A Taste of Winter
26. Fun Stuff!
27. Something I Brought
28. Dinner
29. Window
30. Best Invention Ever
31. Polka Dot
Yet another week down in the 365 Day Photo Challenge!
Day 171: Big (Assist from Joe)
Weekly reminder: All pictures are taken and edited with my phone. All themes come from the Fat Mum Slim website.
The next 7 themes:
Day 176: Tradition
Day 177: Wrapped
Day 178: Best Bit of Your Day
Day 179: Where You Slept
Day 180: What You’re Doing Now
Day 181: Something Awesome
Day 182: Reflect: Best Bit of 2013
An additional congratulations needs to be extended to Dennis Haislip. He has become the latest person to show taste, class, and sophistication by subscribing for a Photography 139 Email Subscription!
If my calculations are correct, this is 24 weeks in the book!
A reminder that all photos are taken by and edited with my phone.
A reminder that all themes come from Fat Mum Slim. The next seven themes:
Day 169: Makes You Feel Merry
Day 170: Tree
Day 171: Big
Day 172: ‘Tis the Season To
Day 173: I’m Listening To
Day 174: On the Door
Day 175: Sparkly
Closing in on the halfway point in this project:
I’ll be happy when the days start getting longer again and I have more light to play with.
The next 7 themes:
Day 162: This is the Weather Today
Day 163: R is For…
Day 164: Green
Day 165: Joy Is…
Day 166: Composition
Day 167: Drink
Day 168: Lights
All themes come from the Fat Mum Slim website.
21 Weeks Down! Boom!
This would be the part where I would normally point out that all pictures are taken and edited with my phone, but this week, the “Mirror” picture is actually a screen capture.
Just being intellectually honest.
The next 7 themes:
Day 148: Quirky
Day 149: Message
Day 150: No!
Day 151 I Am Grateful For…
Day 152: Black
Day 153: All Done
Day 154: Red
The themes for December:
1: Red
2: Where I Stood
3: Silver
4: Tiny
5: In the Cupboard
6: Shadow
7: 6 O’Clock
8: I Shop Here
9: This is the Weather Today
10: R is For…
11: Green
12: Joy Is…
13: Composition
14: Drink
15: Lights
16: Make You Feel Merry
17: Tree
18: Big
19: ‘Tis the Season To…
20: I’m Listening To…
21: On the Door
22: Sparkly
23: Tradition
24: Wrapped
25: Best Bit of Your Day
26: Where You Slept
27: What You’re Doing Now
28: Something Awesome
29: Reflect: Best Bit of 2013
30: You
31: Celebrate
Yet another week down in the 365 Day Challenge.
A reminder that all pictures are taken by and edited with my phone.
The Next 7 Themes:
Day 141: Mirror
Day 142: Where You Ate Breakfast
Day 143: Communication
Day 144: I Wish I Had This
Day 145: Behind
Day 146: Simplicity
Day 147: A Word
All themes come from the Fat Mum Slim website.