Category Archives: Portrait

Personal Photo Project of the Week #91

False Start

I’ve wanted to do a photo series based on the Ten Commandments for quite sometime now. This was originally an idea for, “Hey, don’t be murderizing anybody.” However, I’ve decided to take this in a different direction. So this is not a true start of that project.

Here are a few other False Start pictures.

Special thanks to Sara for securing an ask from her dad, no questions asked. He even sharpened it for me, even though he knew it was just a photo prop.

Meet the Bennetts

On the Sunday before Labor Day I hosted a little Bennett Family Reunion. Although none of the Fort Dodge Bennetts attended, I think it was a rousing success. It was the first reunion of its kind in at least 20 years. I hope that we can have another one next year.

Here are a few pictures from the day:

Just a couple notes. This was Naima’s first family function and she handled herself wonderfully for only having been in her new home for 5 days. Amazingly, she had yet to discover human food. That turned out to be a short lived nirvana though.

Also, I only wore that horrible Chiefs shirt to honor my cousin Jordan who is the most realistic Chiefs fan I know. So thanks for giving me that shirts Mr. Baier. It was a hit.

Katelyn Augustin

A few weeks back I was commissioned to photograph Micky and Robyn’s progeny Katelyn. I was hampered slightly by some technical problems, I still think we did some good work. Here are some images from that photo shoot:

I love how every portrait session I do is completely different. This is definitely the first one that involved a baby touching a live fish. I hope it isn’t the last!

Next week’s Random Wednesday will be more baby pictures.

Sara’s Latest Graduation

Sara graduated a few weeks back and to celebrate, she had a massive shindig.

As my present to Sara, I set up a photobooth in her garage. here are a few pictures from that photobooth.

Sara already was the most educated person that I know, but now the gap is almost immeasurable.

Next week’s random Wednesday will be pictures from the Straw Poll.

State Fair Results

Now that the State Fair has ran its inevitable course, I can reveal what pictures I entered in the State Fair Photography Salon.

Drenched in Loneliness (Honorable Mention Iowa Places)

I Recommend Pleasant

Must Be Truth

The Girl in the Blue Skirt
The Girl in the Blue Skirt (2nd Place Black & White Flower)

I guess this means I need to start focusing some effort on the Pufferbilly Days Photo Contest.