On Monday night I aided in the production of the newest batch of Little White Lye Soap. I thought I would share an inside look at the Little White Lye Soap factory floor.
The Mixing Stick (Formerly Ergonomic)
A Self Proclaimed Master Stirrer Finishing Up
Shannon Preparing to Pour Again
This Appears to be Hard Work (Plus Might be my favorite picture from the night.)
The soap was locked up into a cat-proof room where it will cure for 2 weeks. Then it will be cut up into bars and then packaged. Then the soap will be ready for delivery.
It takes close to 4 hours of stirring to make the soap, so sometimes that can lead to doing things like torturing the cat or as the Bush Administration would call it, Enhanced Cat Interrogation. I’m sure they would also point out that cats are not protected by the Geneva Convention.
Baiting Franklin
>I don’t want to go into details about what happened to Franklin, but he was unharmed and was only slightly angrier the rest of the evening.