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The Future of Boone

When Sara and I went to Ottumwa I think we might of had a glimpse into Boone’s future if it becomes the proud home of a Juice Bar.

I should start out by pointing out that on our way to Ottumwa Sara got pulled over and issued a speeding ticket by the nicest State Patrolman. He even started out with a joke:

“What are you doing today, besides fast?”

Sara and I ended up in downtown Ottumwa. I snapped a couple of pictures of Boone’s Future. We actually went downtown so I could get a picture of the Adult Theater because Derrick did not believe me that it existed, but I found a couple other sweet things. For some reason Sara would not get out of the car and join me.

Ottumwa House
Right across the street from the Adult Theater – Strip Club!

Ottumwa House
The Salty Frog is located right next to the strip club. A couple of women came wandering out of The Salty Frog while I was nearby. They looked like the type of women that would come out of a bar called The Salty Frog.

Ottumwa House
So it goes… Adult Theater, Chinese Restaurant, Abandoned Store Front, Christian Community Outreach Center. Well played Ottumwa. Well played.

Ottumwa House
Jen described this picture as “The Buddy Jesus”.

Ottumwa House
Cinema X. They lose points for the name. They might as well call it Cinema Generic.

Ottumwa House
Sara’s View

Ottumwa House
Apparently such a landmark that they built a parking ramp around it.

Ottumwa House
A better look at the parking ramp.

Ottumwa House
I might as well end with an Arty Picture.

I’m sure I will be returning to Ottumwa again in the next few weeks. Hopefully, I will get to take in even more of its majesty.

Incidentally, I will be asking some of you to come to Ottumwa with me to help Jen work on her Uncle’s house. You have been forewarned. Unless I already asked you. Then you already know about this project.

If you need more than just an altruistic motivation to get you to help out, Ottumwa has a Breadeaux Pizza. Mmmm… Breadeaux Pizza.