Many of you know that I mostly avoid Facebook. I go on there once a week. On Monday nights.
Many of you also know that I have a Twitter account. I have a Twitter Account for two reasons.
1. You can’t be this self-absorbed without having a Twitter Account. Doesn’t the world need to know what I’m thinking about “diesel powered blame generators” and can the world function without whatever cryptic 140 character messages I post on my Twitter page?
2. Twitter is the best way to follow products, bands and sports teams.
Because Social Networking is all the rage right now and will be for the foreseeable future, I have decided to integrate Twitter and Facebook into my website.
If you actually go to the Journal Section of the website, you can read my latest Tweets on the left hand side of the page.
If you actually go to the Journal section of the website AND you have a Facebook account, you can “Like” this website. You will also find this little bit of social networking magic on the left hand side of the page.
If you are logged into Facebook and “Like” this website, it will show up on your profile page that you indeed do “Like” this website.
This is a grand experiment, so it might not last.
However, I am also adding a feature to the bottom of each blog post that will allow you to “Like” individual posts.
If you subscribe to this post via email or RSS Feed, you will have to go to the actual website to engage in this function.
Because I didn’t want to go to straight posts without and photography, here is a random picture of a dragonfly:

I like the interaction – it’s awesome to be able to have so many options. The integrations are seamless.
Well, almost seamless.
Part of it had to hit the skids because it didn’t plays so nicely with the other part.
But I hope that it is a feature that might catch on.
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