I’m very excited to announce that there were 3 brand new first time contributors. Shannon Bardole, Angie Dewaard and Geri Derner all contributed photos for the first time ever. Hopefully they will find it addictive and become regular contributors.
Here are this week’s submissions for HOPE:

Mike Vest
Geri Derner A
Geri Derner B
Dawn Krause
Shannon Bardole
Angie DeWaard
Looks like Dawn has gotten back on the writing horse! Here is her poetry contribution:
Walls Against Hope
Hope is a diabolical trade
it sets the heart and soul to be played
a chance for broken dreams to be filled
compromising the soul to be killedIf I told you how I felt today
would you take those thoughts and run away
or would you stay to comfort my heart
and give me reason to trust our startThe music sounds different to my soul
there’s part of you that makes me whole
If my heart trusts to reveal that thought
would the fulfillment be all I’ve soughtWalls against hope are in our nature
keep us from rising up in stature
Secret desires, wishes to fill
to let them out is a bitter pill
I’ve been down to the cave where the Random Theme Generator is housed. I answered its riddle and it gave me the theme for this week:
This is another great and easy theme. After all, everybody has a face or at least they know somebody that has a face. I hope to see many contributions next week. Hopefully some new faces as well. (Terrible pun intended.)
I really, really like the juxtaposition of the colors on the black-and-white on yours. I know you don’t want to use “gimmick” photography in competition, but that’s beautiful.
Man, my kid is adorable. 😉
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