Self-Portrait Project: Week 1

To replace RWPE on Mondays this year, I am going to attempt to take a self-portrait every day this year. I have no expectations that I will take 366 winners (or even 66 winners for that matter), but that isn’t necessarily the point.

Although you will be able to see how much weight I gain this year, how much hair I lose, how much more dashing I become, and how many times I shave (over/under is at 10 for you gamblers) that isn’t really the point either.

Although I’m sure a few of the important events of 2012 will be recorded, documenting my life for 1 year isn’t really the point either.

The is a photography exercise more than anything else. An exercise to get me to attempt to think creatively at least once every day. Hopefully there are some winners in there. Hopefully I don’t gain any weight and I know that I will become exponentially more dashing. Hopefully I will have more than 10 reasons to shave this year. Hopefully there are many good milestones in my life worth documenting. But, all of those will be ancillary benefits.

I will try to take all of these pictures without assistance. Meaning, I won’t hand the camera to somebody and say, “Take a picture of me doing X.” But I’m sure that will happen on occasion.

Here are the first 8 pictures from this project.

01/01/12 12:01 AM

01/02/12 11:25 PM

01/03/12 9:12 PM

01/04/12 4:42 PM

01/05/12 6:12 PM

01/06/12 10:24 PM

01/07/12 8:41 PM

01/08/12 6:39 PM

Hopefully this will provide amusement to somebody besides me.

Personal Photo Project of the Week #99

I only had time last year to make a handful of calendars. If you didn’t get a calendar this year, I am sorry. I only had one left and I gave it to Nader because he actually called and asked for one. If somebody begged I suppose I could print another one off, but who would want a calendar that is almost 25% useless?

Here are the images from this years Photography 139 Calendar:

Front Cover












As usual, Mike Vest helped finish up the calendars with his hole punching and binding skills. Thanks Mike!

Bennett Family Pictures

This post is somewhat bittersweet as these pictures were taken before my Mom’s diagnosis and while she was still being treated by the incompetent doctor. However, I want to remain positive and since things are progressing positively, there is no reason to dwell on the negative.

When she saw these pictures she was surprised by how thin she was in them, so we will be retaking these pictures again in the Spring after she has been able to put some weight back on and before Johnathan leaves for the Air Force.

Probably sometime around the time of Onion Ring Night.