On the Saturday before Easter I was sitting in a darkened in theater in Ankeny experiencing the “tortures of the damned” that is watching BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN, my phone buzzed. Since the movie picture had lost my interest moments into it, I felt no guilt in checking my text message. After all, I was probably already checking the score of the Oklahoma-Oregon game any ways.
The text message was from my church’s (the church I attend) Youth Minister Alisa wanting me to simultaneously run a photo booth and take pictures of our Sunday School Easter Egg Hunt.
You all know how I feel about multi-tasking.
So here are a few of the pictures almost exclusively from the Easter Egg Hunt.

But on the positive, If Easter was today, I could actually multi-task and run a photo booth and take pictures at the same time.
Those are some happy egg snatchers.
Our youth minister in Ames asked me to photograph the 150th anniversary celebration this Sunday. I have some anxiety.
Just remember:
” You know I’ll tell you something. You know 900 million Chinamen couldn’t give a damn. They couldn’t care less about this press conference. But I love basketball. I’m a Dolphin and I just love it. You know sometimes the world doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. Except on the basketball court. And that’s good enough for me.”
I like it. I’ll just do me, and it really won’t make any difference in the long run. 🙂
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