A big thanks to everybody that came out and made my church’s Youth Group Fundraiser such a big hit. Our goal was to be #1 on the Pizza Ranch board and we nearly doubled the take of the previous #1!
Here are a few cruddy cell phone pictures from last night!

We had 144 of the pamphlets turned in. We collected over $750 in tips.
It was amazing to see so many church members in attendance. As Pastor Doug says, “It is a big reminder to the kids in the youth group that this church has their back.”
A big thanks to Photography 139 Email Subscribers Michelle Haupt for her generous donation and to Jesse Howard, Kio Dettman, Charlotte Bennett, and Teresa Kahler for their attendance.
The event was a great success, but there is much more money to raise for the Mission Trip, so stay tuned to this bat channel for more fundraising opportunities coming up in the coming months!