The earth laughs in flowers.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
The great thing about flowers is that we can all agree that earth truly does laugh in flowers even if we can’t agree on whether or not the earth is flat or a globe or even pear shaped.
Last year, I think I got away from flower photos a little bit. I’m not entirely sure why other than maybe it was because I might have felt that I was starting to become self-referential with my flower photography.
Nah. That probably isn’t it.
I do know that I have yet to take hardly any flower pictures this year either. That doesn’t mean I didn’t take any flower pictures last year. In fact, I was commission by a relative of mine (a cousin somewhere on my Mom’s side) to photograph her extensive flower garden. So I did, but I never shared the photos.
So here is just the beginning of a ton of flower pictures from Donna Jones’ flower garden. This collection consists of petunias and lilies. If you don’t know which is which don’t be afraid to ask, for my way of mocking you will be very gentle.

There are plenty more of Donna’s flowers in the on-deck circle taking their practice swings. Checking out to make sure they have the proper amount of pine tar on their bats. Stretching their bat swinging muscles. You’ll get to see if they have what it takes to go yard very soon.