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The images from the folder 07-20-07 run the gamut from pictures from the first mission trip I ever went on to pictures from the Miller Farm to pictures from a RAGBRAI stop in Ames.

The mission trip photos are from Cedar Rapids. I went with an adult group from my church.

The Miller Farm pictures were taken before June and Dean moved off the farm and into town.

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip - 2008



Miller Farm - 2008

Miller Farm - 2008

Miller Farm - 2008

Miller Farm - 2008

Miller Farm - 2008

Miller Farm - 2008

Miller Farm - 2008

Miller Farm - 2008

Miller Farm - 2008

Miller Farm - 2008

Miller Farm - 2008

The mission trip to Cedar Rapids was after a flood. After working the second day, you drove home. One the second day we worked in a house where they had to pull a Youth Group out of because they found pornography.

I still can’t describe how bad that house smelled. The family had left their cat behind. It survived the initial flood. Then it came back to the house. Then it crapped all over the house. Well, mostly behind the couch. The food was still in the fridge. You could stand on the other side of the street and still smell the house.

By adding these pictures to the Photography 139 Photography Gallery, I was able to restore the following historic “An Artist’s Notebook” entries to their original glory:

Jeff and Yin

Miller Farm

Cedar Rapids Trip Day 1

Cedar Rapids Trip Day 2

There are a ton more pictures from the Cedar Rapids Mission Trip than I posted here. You can peruse those by clicking on the link below:

Cedar Rapids Mission Trip – 2008

There are also a ton more pictures from the Miller Farm. You can peruse those by clicking the link below:

Miller Farm – 2008

Next week’s walk down memory lane will involve a vacation I made to Kentucky.

2 thoughts on “07-20-07”

  1. I have never seen Winnie the Pooh and a pot leaf cohabitate in the same space before.

    The flood photos are so sobering. And I really enjoy the Miller Farm ones.

  2. Christopher D. Bennett

    If you go through the full album, I apparently decided to take a picture of the pornography.

    It was quite the experience.

    Maybe you could take the Winnie the Pooh-Marijuana leaf motif and incorporate it into your decorating.

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