The images from the folder 11-1-08 are all over the place. They include pictures of Jesse and I exploring the disc golf course in McHose Park to pictures of Shannon before she made a donation to Locks of Love to pictures of my Hoosier before it got fixed up to pictures Halloween in 2008.
I’m not a frolfer, but I do think that McHose Park has a badass disc golf course. The first 9 holes are nothing special, but the back 9 is a man’s golf course. When I say man’s golf course, what I really mean is that it isn’t for the faint of heart. It is for people that aren’t afraid to get lost in the woods and never heard from again.
The Hoosier pictures were taken from before Shannon’s dad came to pick it up. It was in storage and he did a wonderful job making it presentable again and he did it in plenty of time before I found a house to call home. Which was quite the feat, even though I did take my own sweet time with my house hunt.
The pictures of Shannon before she cut off her hair were taken in Brookside Park. This was Shannon’s 3rd donation to Locks of Love. In that collection of pictures is one of my favorite pictures of Shannon and I believe it is safe to say that I have taken lots of pictures of Shannon.
Finally, the 2008 Halloween pictures includes a picture of Willy in what was definitely the best Halloween costume he has ever had.
Have a look:
The stick figure pumpkin is the best pumpkin I have ever carved. Jay hated it. I’m not bitter about that, otherwise I wouldn’t be bringing it up over 10 years later.
By adding these pictures to the Photography 139 Gallery, I was able to restore the following historic “An Artist’s Notebook” entries to their original glory:
McHose Park Mystery
Next Saturday’s walk down memory lane will involve another trip to Ottumwa and what Shannon looked like after she cut off her 12 or so inches of hair.
I admire anyone who donates their hair for others. Thanks. Have you two tried the disc golf course at Edgewood Park in Madrid?
I haven’t tried the disc golf course in Madrid. Not even sure I have played disc golf since that day. Is it something special?
She is a pretty nice person who also has lots of hair. Not sure if she had done that recently. I don’t really see her much these days, so I don’t even know how long her hair is any more.
We really must remedy that. Moving this far south has really impeded my social life. Am I to assume that your favorite photo is where you convinced me to flip my hair over my face and put on a hat, so I looked like Cousin It?
There is a good chance that Jay and I are going to go to Indianola in the near future to enjoy the town’s legendary A&W.
On an unrelated topic, how far is your house from an airport?
Yes, that is the picture, but it is a failed opportunity that we didn’t have you wear glasses in that picture.
I feel like you tried to get me to put on glasses, and I was pretty reluctant. I would probably be game now, but my hair isn’t that long. I do know where that beanie is, though.
I would love to see you if you do make it down this direction. I like the A&W, although I do think it’s a little overpriced. My house has changed considerably since you were last there, so you should at least stop by!
My house is approximately 15 minutes from the DSM airport. I think there are some small airfields closer by based on the number of planes we see go by in the summer spraying fields. Why do you ask?