A few weeks back I showed the results of test photos taken with a red filter from a new extremely cheap set of filters that I recently picked up.
The most recent filter I’ve taken out and tested is the orange filter. Much like the red filter an orange filter is actually designed to be used with black and white photography.
What does an orange filter do. Here is a pretty good description from photographymad.com:
In portrait photography, an orange filter reduces the appearance of freckles and blemishes, giving the skin a healthy, smooth look.
When photographing buildings and cityscapes, they give bricks a pleasing tone, and increase contrast between different materials to add depth and texture to the image.
Similarly to red filters, they can be used to reduce the appearance of fog and haze, and to darken skies and emphasise clouds.
I spent a little time chasing Naima around the backyard and photographed a few other things for this test.
Here are the test images, fresh out of the camera. Not touched by Photoshop:
You can tell that there is some vignetting at the widest angles, but nothing that I can’t live with.
Not sure what filter I will test next, but I do know that there are only 40 filters left to test!
I always enjoy seeing pictures of Naima. Crisp clear detail in the pictures.
Thanks for sharing. BTY. I gave your photograpy 139 info to a gal whose roommate is taking photography at IA State. Cause I enjoy sharing good things with others.