This week I knocked out Page 21 of THE PHOTO JOURNAL PROJECT. I took one of the rubber dinosaurs I seem to have in every room of the house.

Page 21 – Make something small look big.
While only one picture can be adhered into the physical THE PHOTO JOURNAL, however I took a couple other rubber dinosaur pictures that I like:

There are 20 pages left in the Photo Journal Project left to photograph. Gonna keep hammering away!
This is your reminder that this week’s WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE theme is GROUP PORTRAIT:

Happy photo harvesting!
While great pictures…isn’t triceratops a herbivore? His rubber teeth look clearly carnivorous, though.
Look at you with your fancy science, perhaps you are not familiar with the Evolution episode of IT’S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA.
Remember, Science is a LIAR Sometimes
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