
I’m still trying to piece together a folder of 2011 images that make sense. The pictures in the folder 2011-02-06 are from when Jen and Derrick posed for THE 9 EMOTIONS PROJECT. I still need to fire this project back up and get more victims… err models.

Here are the pictures in the folder 2011-02-06:

9 Emotions Project - Derrick Gorshe

Derrick - Joy

Derrick - Sadness

Derrick - Anger

Derrick - Amusement

Derrick - Fear

Derrick - Jealousy

Derrick - Surprise

Derrick - Sympathy

Derrick - Boredom

9 Emotions Project - Jen Gorshe

Jen - Joy

Jen - Sadness

Jen - Anger

Jen - Amusement

Jen - Fear

Jen - Jealousy

Jen - Surprise

Jen - Sympathy

Jen - Boredom

By adding these pictures to the Photography 139 Gallery, I was able to restore the following historic “An Artist’s Notebook” entry to its original glory:


The next time we take a stroll down memory lane it will involve actual film photography.