I want to start today by giving congratulations to Rebecca Peterson. She has become the latest person to show extreme good taste, class, and sophistication by becoming the latest Photography 139 email subscriber! Thank you Rebecca!
If you want to become such a subscriber you can either fill out the form that can be found a couple of different places on this website, or you can just let me know and I will add you manually.
A quick PSA. A reminder, if you will. The deadline to submit your pictures is 11 AM Central. I leave for lunch then and often don’t have access to my computer until I return. Sometimes if you submit after 11 AM but before 12:01 PM, you might get lucky and I will have time to get your submissions added to the “An Artist’s Notebook” entry, but usually I won’t.
The theme of ABSTRACT is tough one. It is very conceptual. I’m pleased that so many people gave it a shot.
As of 10:59 AM on Monday, March 21, this was the current list of ACTIVE streaks:
+ Jodie Cue – 1 week
+ Jesse Howard – 3 weeks
+ Suzie Brannen – 4 weeks
+ Dawn Krause – 4 weeks
+ Joe Duff – 8 weeks
+ Teresa Kahler – 8 weeks
+ Tamara Peterson – 8 weeks
+ Carla Stensland – 8 weeks
+ Michelle Haupt – 9 weeks
+ Micky Augustin – 10 weeks
+ Andy Sharp – 11 weeks
+ Bill Wentworth – 12 weeks
+ Cathie Raley – 16 weeks
+ Elizabeth Nordeen – 17 weeks
+ Shannon Bardole-Foley – 19 weeks
+ Kio Dettman – 22 weeks
But you didn’t come here to listen to me talk all tommyrot about participation rates or streaks. You came to see the submissions and what streaks continued and what streaks flamed out:
Andy Sharp – 12 weeks
29 submissions from 20 participants. That is a great week!
Congratulations to Michelle who joined the double digit streak club! WooHoo!
There were only 3 streaks snapped. Jodie couldn’t make it to two weeks. Jesse’s streak of 3 weeks is history. Suzie’s streak of 4 weeks is also now something that only exists in legends.
Stephanie submitted for the first time in a long time. I’m super excited to have her back. It might be a one time thing. I guess time will tell. But I don’t have any other friends that globetrot going to trendy art gallery openings. At least not yet.
Harrison Gorshe is a first time submitter and probably the youngest ever. Kid is like 2 years old. But he knows ABSTRACT when he sees it.
Here are the current top streaks:
1. Kio – 22 weeks
2. Shannon – 19 weeks
3. Elizabeth – 17 weeks
4. Cathie – 16 weeks
5. Bill – 12 weeks
I don’t know that Kio will ever give up that top spot, but if he slips up just once, there is a group on heels waiting to take it over.
But enough dwelling on the past. Time to look to the future. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future! This week’s theme:
SHADOW! What a great theme for Year 9 of THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE!
But what exactly is a SHADOW picture? A SHADOW picture is simply a picture where one of the major compositional elements of the image is a SHADOW. The SHADOW can be on the ground. It can be on a wall. It can be across somebody’s face. A silhouette picture is a SHADOW picture, for example. And of course, there are other types of less literal SHADOWs out there too.
While considering possible subjects for your SHADOW picture, meditate on the following quote:
Beware that you do not lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.
I look forward to seeing your interpretations!
The picture has to be taken between 12:01 PM today and 11 AM next Monday. This isn’t a curate your photos project. This is a get your butt off the couch (unless you are taking your picture from the couch) and take pictures challenge.
You can send your images to either bennett@photography139.com OR you may text them to my Pixel 5.
That is all I got, so if the good Lord’s willin’ and the creek don’t rise, we will all be sharing our idea of SHADOW in this place that is definitely one of my cyber shadows next Monday.
I love your photo, Chris. It would make a gorgeous desktop background.
Thank you! Making abstract photographic images is one of my favorites. But seemed to be an abstract image short. Or are you still hiding behind a “broken shutter”?
No, I got it back finally! Fed Ex lost it, so there was an entire ordeal. Canon had to start some case with them, but their customer service line lost the request a couple of times. It was a ridiculous ordeal. I’ll try and get back in the game!