Tomorrow is the Final Four. Thought it would be a good time to check-in on the Roundball Oracles.
With 3 games left to go in the NCAA tournament this is the Top 3:
1. Becky Parmelee – 231 Points
2. Carla Stensland – 229 Points
3. Angie DeWaard – 224 points
This is the Bottom 3:
34. Joey Randazzo – 143 points
35. Olivia Baier – 141 points
36. Toby Sebring – 140 points
At this point, there are 4 people left that have a chance of taking home the Championship Trophy. 2 people still have a shot at The Sara.
Here are the scenarios for The Sara:
If Villanova beats Kansas then Toby “wins” The Sara.
If Kansas beats Villanova then Joey “wins” The Sara.
Note as Olivia Baier is a child, she is not eligible for The Sara.
Here are the scenarios for the Championship:
If Duke wins the National Championship then Sarah Karber wins the trophy.
If Kansas wins the National Championship then Ben Baier wins the trophy.
If Villanova beats Duke for the National Championship then Becky wins the trophy.
If North Carolina beats Villanova for the National Championship then Becky wins the trophy.
If North Carolina beats Kansas for the National Championship then Ben wins the trophy.
If Villanova beats North Carolina for the National Championship then Derrick Gorshe wins the trophy.
It is possible, that there is an error in my math, but I’m fairly certain this is correct.
Root accordingly.
I don’t want to toot my own horn, but I think I actually did some stuff in March. I didn’t go to Pennsylvania and Illinois (briefly) and North Carolina (briefly), but I did stand in Iowa, South Dakota, and Minnesota all at the same time. I ate the reigning Best Tenderloin in Iowa. I went to two Iowa State NCAA Tournament games. I stood on the highest point in Iowa and the second highest. I hosted Alligator Movie Night. I had some good times with friends and some poignant times with family. March wasn’t too bad. Raised the bar a bit for April.
Here are my favorite SELFIE PROJECT images from March:
March 1
Oh yeah! I also bought a new camera in March! I hope to continue to do good work in April!
Of course, there can only be one selfie for each day. Here are my favorite alternates I took for THE SELFIE PROJECT:
Jesse is a sleeper!
This is your reminder that this week’s THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE theme is FRAMED:
But what exactly is a FRAMED picture? It is simply a picture where the subject is FRAMED in by something else. In the theme reveal, the edge of the garbage can makes a frame for the subject of the refuse. A doorway makes a good frame. So does a hall way. A window Any thing that creates negative space makes a great frame for your subject. Or you could even do something as easy as taking a picture of something that is in a literal picture frame.
Happy photo harvesting!