I’m on vacation this week. While I don’t have grand plans for today, it is set aside for errands. If you are reading this, it has taken long enough that I haven’t had time to cobble together this post. Just cause I’m busy do stuff that isn’t incredibly fun, doesn’t mean you can’t get a start on this week’s theme:

WEEKENDS! What a great theme for Year 9 of THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE.
But what is a WEEKENDS photo? It is simply a picture taken of something you do on WEEKENDS. Or it could simply be of something you do this coming WEEKEND(S). So taking your picture this WEEKEND(S) is probably your best bet.
While thinking on possible subjects for your WEEKENDS picture, mediate on the following quote for inspiration:
The only reason we ask other people how their weekend was is so we can tell them about our own weekend.
-Chuck Palahniuk
But I also like this one:
Anybody have plans to stare at their phone somewhere exciting this weekend?
-Nitya Prakash
I look forward to your interpretation. The FAMILY interpretations should be posted later tonight.