Jayton – Volume 9

It is another Formal Portrait Sunday. This is the second to last collection of images from Jayton’s two Senior Picture Photo Shoots.

This collection features some pictures with his dog. They are bittersweet because Jayton’s dog passed away shortly after these pictures were taken.

Jayton Poole

Jayton Poole

Jayton Poole

Jayton Poole

Jayton Poole

Jayton Poole

Jayton Poole

Jayton Poole

Jayton Poole

Jayton Poole

Jayton Poole

Jayton Poole

Jayton Poole

Next Sunday will be the final collection of images from the 2021 Howard Family Photo Shoot. Almost caught up with all of my Formal Portraits. In a month or so, we might be saying goodbye to Formal Portrait Sunday.