It is our monthly time to look at the WPC FAQ:
Is there a limit to the number of submissions I can have each week?
The short answer is, “no”. Some people think that there is a limit of one submission per person because I only present one submission a week, personally. I have the other 6 days to post my photography. So one is more than enough image from me.
However, the longer answer is, 3 would be a good guide to limit yourself to submit. It isn’t a rule, but much over 3 begins to start to overwhelm the submissions of the others in the community. Also, if you are submitting multiple submissions, think about your submissions. Are they unique? Are they of wholly different subjects? Is each submission saying something unique?
The long answer is, there isn’t a limit, but 3 is a good rule of thumb. If I start to average about 30 participants a week, I will consider putting a limit of 1 per participant, to help manage my workload, but we are a long ways from averaging 30 participants a week.
Can I send you several pictures and have you pick the best one?
No! No! NO! If those words come out of your mouth or your keyboard, I consider that to be a non-submission.
Do you ever question whether somebody’s submission fits the theme?
Meh. Only if I think somebody is clearly confusing this week’s theme with last week or next week’s theme. Otherwise, if the submission makes sense in your head, that is good enough to me. However, I would urge you to not try to fit your favorite subject into the theme. This isn’t a challenge to share a picture every week of your kid or your business or your pet. It is a challenge to take pictures of different things every week. Which isn’t to say subjects can’t be repeated, but you shouldn’t become reliant on the same ones.
Why can’t I submit after 11 AM on Mondays if the post doesn’t publish until 12:01 PM?
I go to lunch at 11 AM. I leave my office. I’m not near a computer. At 11 AM I hit “Schedule” and then I go throw food down my throat. 167 hours is more than enough time to send a submission. Okay, 166 hours and 59 minutes. You got me.
Are there resolution requirements for submissions?
I won’t turn down submissions that are too small. I will probably ask you for a picture of greater resolution if it is really small. The typical 4 x 6 image posted to my website has a resolution of 1280 pixels x 853 pixels. While a 400 x 300 image might look okay on your phone, it looks like trash on a computer monitor. I prefer images that are at least 1000 pixels at their largest point, but don’t ban smaller pictures at this point.
What format should my submission be?
.JPG but .PNG also works.
If I write a description of my image will you include that in your post?
No. Photography is art that should stand on its own. Only exception is the SLICE OF LIFE theme.
When will you start accepting suggestions for next year’s THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE themes?
I will accept those the last Monday of October and the first Monday of November. I only accept suggestions in the “Comments” section of the journal entries on those days. Don’t text me or email me them or call me or Snapchat me. Put them in the Comments section of the journal entries on those days. I have my reasons.
Was SIGNS a popular theme? You’ll have to scroll down to find out.
As of 12:01 PM on Monday, September 19, this was the current list of ACTIVE streaks (ignore the numbers in parentheses):
+ Suzie Brannen – 4 weeks
+ Jesse Howard – 5 weeks
+ Brandon Kahler – 5 weeks
+ Linda Bennett – 8 weeks
+ Sarah Toot – 9 weeks
+ Sabas Hernandez – 11 weeks
+ Monica Jennings – 11 weeks
+ Angie DeWaard – 13 weeks
+ Mary Green – 13 weeks (2)
+ Dawn Krause – 17 weeks
+ Kim Barker – 23 weeks
+ Joe Duff – 25 weeks
+ Logan Kahler – 26 weeks
+ Teresa Kahler – 35 weeks (3)
+ Tamara Peterson – 35 weeks
+ Carla Stensland – 35 weeks (3)
+ Michelle Haupt – 36 weeks
+ Micky Augustin – 37 weeks
+ Andy Sharp – 38 weeks
+ Bill Wentworth – 39 weeks
+ Cathie Morton – 43 weeks
+ Elizabeth Nordeen – 44 weeks
+ Shannon Bardole-Foley – 46 weeks
+ Kio Dettman – 49 weeks (4)
But you didn’t come here to listen to me talk all tommyrot about participation rates or streaks. You came to see the submissions and what streaks continued and what streaks flamed out:

Carla Stensland – 36 weeks
27 participants this week! That is a good week!
Recently I’ve become curious where pictures were taken that have been submitted and decided to put together a little map of what states submissions have been taken from. It might not be 100% accurate, but I think it is pretty darn accurate. It doesn’t include submissions from foreign countries like France and Spain and Mexico, off the top of my head. That would be another project. Here is that map:

Obviously a heavy cluster around the midwest. But in a way, it does stretch from coast to coast. If you look closely, even D.C. is represented.
This week, I believe the states of Iowa, Alaska, California, Texas, Kansas, Illinois, and Pennsylvania are represented.
My picture was taken about 55 miles east of my front door, as the crow flies. Down US-30.
You might notice that Monica’s streak is back and magically intact. Maybe. I have no comment on the matter at this time.
There were not streaks broken, but there were a few milestones reached. Sarah reached double digits on her streak. Joe reached the Half-a-Year Club with his streak! Congratulations to you both!
But enough dwelling on the past. Time to look to the future. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future! This week’s theme:

RUINS! What a great theme for Year 9 of THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE!
But what is a RUINS photo? It is simply a picture of something that has been abandoned, forgotten. Something that is rusting. Dilapidated. No longer being properly maintained. Or improperly maintained. This is one of my Top 5 favorite themes! It can be an old building. An old car. Just for examples. But there are a lot of things out there that have been abandoned. Forgotten. That are wasting away. Waiting for you to immortalize them through the art of photography.
While considering what you want to immortalize, meditate on the following quote:
Ruin is when man-made has become a part of nature.
-Marco Casagrande
I look forward to seeing your interpretation!
The picture has to be taken between 12:01 PM today and 11 AM next Monday. This isn’t a curate your photos project. This is a get your butt off the couch (unless you are taking your picture from the couch) and take pictures challenge.
You can send your images to either OR you may text them to my Pixel 5.
That is all I got, so if the good Lord’s willin’ and the creek don’t rise, we will all be sharing your idea of RUINS in this place that will someday become a part of nature next Monday.