Sometimes it happens that in my haste to post the THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE images I let one slip through the cracks. This week was one of those. Cathie actually submitted two pictures, but I only posted one for VIOLET. Cathie is one of those hardcore one submission I week folks, so I completely missed her second picture. So enjoy it now:
Cathie Morton
Cathie’s submissions were take in the Bahamas. So, that is another place on the map to color in.
For the first time ever, I went out to watch some of the mud volleyball tournament during Pufferbilly Days. I wasn’t sure I knew anybody that was competing, but I think my cousin Toby usually competes. I thought I would probably take pictures of a couple of games, but I immediately ran into Fran, so I ended up just taking pictures of one of her team’s games. I really only knew Fran on her team, so really, this is just a bunch of pictures of Fran, on some level.
Mud volleyball:
I’ll definitely have to check out the mud volleyball again next year. I’ll have to check with Fran ahead of time to see if she is competing again.
I still have one or maybe two more collections of Pufferbilly Days photos to share. I’m on the fence for sharing the pictures from the model train swap meet. They aren’t great. We will see.
This is your reminder that this week’s THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE theme is MACRO:
MACRO! What a great theme for Year 9 of THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE!
But what exactly is a MACRO photo? There is a long technical definition of MACRO photography that involves being a 1:1 ratio on 35 mm film, but for our purposes, just think of MACRO photography as getting close to your subject. On this theme you should figure out what the closest focusing distance of your camera is and be awful close to that in your closeness to your subject.
Happy photo harvesting!