The Windy City: Day 3A

Day 3 of my work trip to Chicago was the last day I really got to take any pictures of consequence. Every day after this was mostly filled with boring work stuff. Including Day 4 which was like a 13 hour or so work day. So after we get through the pictures of Day 3, the rest of the days will just fly by. Probably.

I started Day 3 wandering around the streets around the hotel taking a little photography before the Computer Mine training session that lasted from like 8 AM to like 12 PM. Or at least it did for a few of us.

Chicago, Illinois
I love street art so much!

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois
You didn’t think I wouldn’t post some flowertography, did you?

Chicago, Illinois
Well, did you punk?

Chicago, Illinois
I didn’t know Chicago also had a Harlem until this moment.

Chicago, Illinois
Almost… almost enough bird poop for me.

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois
Would you believe that Kim has never ridden on a train? Not even a subway?

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois
Almost enough dirt, rust, and grime for me.

Chicago, Illinois
More tulips in this flower bed than all of Orange City.

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois
I didn’t bring any of my normal flowertography lenses, but that is okay.

Chicago, Illinois
This guy invited Tony to a party after inviting him to a party. Tony did not attend cause he is a fun hater.

Chicago, Illinois
And maybe this conversation was the impetus for Tony to think about quitting smoking.

Chicago, Illinois
4 hours of my life that… well you know. But Steve V. was pumped.

Chicago, Illinois
In Miami we spent most of Day 2 trying to get machines working. In Chicago we only had to spend a couple hours tinkering with machines. Kim was pleased.

Chicago, Illinois
It took a long time for Lowell and I to find lunch, but eventually we stumbled across these food trucks.

Chicago, Illinois
Like 6 of 8 were taco trucks.

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois
I love the mascot so much!

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois
Lowell fed these guys some of his street corn.

Chicago, Illinois
And they couldn’t get enough!

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois

After eating, Lowell and I headed for Buckingham Fountain, but that is a tale for another day.


This is your reminder that this week’s THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE theme is ‘SCAPE:


‘SCAPE! What a great theme for Year 10 of THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE!

But what is a ‘SCAPE picture? The “‘” in the theme name allows you to substitute in a few words. Your submission could be a LANDSCAPE or a WATERSCAPE or a CITYSCAPE.

Well for one thing, it is a great theme for me to remind you that you can include the town your picture was taken in or the county and I will include that with your submission.

Did you know that the first photograph ever taken was of a landscape?

“View from the Window at Le Gras” was captured by Nicéphore Niépce, in 1827. It features a very abstract view from Niépce’s window.

It would be another 12 years before somebody would think to take a “photograph” of a stupid human. I assume the 2nd picture ever taken was of a dog.

With this theme, you are literally touching the absolute deepest root of photography. Wow! That is powerful to think about. But maybe you are still confused about what LANDSCAPE photography is. Here is a definition from the Wiki:

Landscape photography commonly involves daylight photography of natural features of land, sky and waters, at a distance—though some landscapes may involve subjects in a scenic setting nearby, even close-up, and sometimes at night.

Photography of artificial scenery, such as farm fields, orchards, gardens and architecture, may be considered “landscape” photography as well. Even the presence of man-made structures (buildings, roads and bridges, etc.) or art (such as sculpture) may be considered “landscape” if presented in artistic settings or appearing (or photographed) in artistic style.

Further, landscape photography is typically of relatively stationary subjects—arguably a form of “still life.” This tends to simplify the task, as opposed to photography of kinetic or live subjects. However, landscape photography often overlaps the activity of wildlife photography and the two terms are used somewhat interchangeably; both wildlife and landscapes may be elements of the same picture or body of work.

This isn’t the first time that ‘SCAPE or something similar was a theme for THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE. Here is a look back at a few submissions from years past to inspire you:

Carla Stensland – Week 60

Christopher D. Bennett – Week 111

Sarah Karber – Week 111

Jesse Howard – Week 165

Micky Augustin – Week 223

Nobody objected to me killing off the Friday reminder. So next Friday will be the last Friday reminder. Then it will go the way of the dodo bird.

Happy photo harvesting!