Category Archives: Animals

Kentucky Vacation Thrice

Sorry this is a few hours late. I’ve had some car issues that have caused be to wobble slightly.

I know how many people are anxiously awaiting to see another collection of my photos from my Kentucky vacation. People stop me on the streets all the time wanting more information about the trip. The good news for them is that there are more pictures coming their way, right about now…

Next week’s Wednesday will include even more Kentuckiness. Including a look at the Dukes of Hazzard Museum!

Methodists, 4-H, and a Nursing Home…

One of the activities that the Mission Committee (chaired by my Mom) from my church (First United Methodist) does every year is organize animals from the 4-H exhibits at the Boone County Fair to be brought to the local nursing home for the residents to enjoy.

When this happened at Westhaven a few weeks back, I was there to photograph some of the event.

Next week’s random Wednesday will be considerably less cuddly and fluffy. I will face my anger about a bad experience I had with a bad tenderloin.