Category Archives: Photoshop

Who’s a Big Boy? – Chapter 1

Before we get into the meat of this post, I’d like to remind you that tonight at the Boone First United Methodist Church from 5:15-6:30 we are having a soup supper that is a fundraiser for our 2020 Mission Trip to Indianapolis:

2019 Soup Supper Poster

Hope to see many of you there tonight! You can even stay for the Christmas Concert that follows!


Back in early August, the world’s largest steam engine (or something like that) the Big Boy toured through Boone. It was on its way from Des Moines to Omaha. I took part of the day off and followed it from roughly Cambridge to Carroll. Here is a collection of some of the pictures:

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Big Boy

Teresa joined me after the Big Boy stopped in Boone for the rest of the trip.

I took a gamble with where I set up for when it crossed the high bridge and I lost big. Very big. But I’ll get into those details in Chapter 2.

The 2018 Backlog Endeth

Before I get too much into the end of the 2018 Backlog, I do want to talk about Advent. On Wednesday we finished our Advent candle services for the Youth Group. The proudest moment of that was when Emily actually remember what Advent means! I was pretty pumped, let me tell you.

This Sunday, Mom, Logan, and I lit the Advent Candles during the first service at church. Today is the second Sunday of Advent and I forgot that because I missed the first Sunday of Advent when I went to Manhattan, Kansas last Sunday.

I thought (lest you forget that this is a Christian website) we could have our own little advent service here. I could just lift the reading straight from what the readers at my church read. We will have to do two candles this Sunday because I slacked off last week.


One: Advent calls us to prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ.
All around us people prepare for parties, dinners and presents.
These events could distract us from the real reason for our anticipation.
On the other hand, they also could prepare us;
they could be the voice crying in a wilderness of materialism:
“Prepare the way for the coming of what is really important.”

All: Rather than get lost in the wilderness of distractions,
we will let the music and the lights make us sensitive
to the voice that is even now calling our name.
We will listen for the Word in the words and even in the noise.

One: A reading from the Prophet Isaiah, Chapter 40, verses 1-5,9.
Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and cry to her that she has served her term, that her penalty is paid, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.
A voice cries out: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain. Then the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all people shall see it together, for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” Get you up to a high mountain, O Zion, herald of good tidings; lift up your voice with strength, O Jerusalem, herald of good tidings, lift it up, do not fear; say to the cities of Judah, “Here is your God!”

Please join me:

All: In this season of hustle and bustle
we are tempted to get frantic and join the panic
to shop our way into the holiday spirit.
In this moment, we resist that temptation
and choose instead to be at peace
with who we are and where we are on this path.
We will let this time prepare us,
and we will hear God’s call
to be those who prepare the world.

One: On this first Sunday of Advent
we choose to be a peaceful presence
in this midst of a frantic season.
So, today, we light the first candle
as an act of preparation and call it Peace.



One: As our days grow shorter and our nights longer,
we who are people of faith turn to symbols
such as candles, evergreens and wreaths
to proclaim our belief in the unquenchable light.
In hopeful anticipation,
we prepare for the coming of the Reign of God.
Listen for the Word in the words of the prophet
for the second Sunday of this new church year:

All: We open our hearts to the Word in the words.

One: A reading from the Prophet Isaiah, Chapter 64, verses 1, 7- 9.
O that you would tear open the heavens and come down, so that the mountains would quake at your presence. There is no one who calls on your name, or attempts to take hold of you; for you have hidden your face from us, and have delivered us into the hand of our iniquity. Yet, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand. Do not be exceedingly angry, O Lord, and do not remember iniquity forever. Now consider, we are all your people.

Please join me:

All: As we begin our journey to the light,
we confess that our lives have not always been lived
in ways pleasing to God.
Our shame has left us feeling distant from
the One who is both Mother and Father to us all,
the One in whose hands we are like clay.
Yet even now,
our longing for the One
who tears open the heavens and comes down
kindles like a fire in our soul.
Even now as we wait, we dare to hope.

One: We who are pregnant with anticipation
feel hope rise up within us.
And so we light this second candle
and name it Hope.


Yes, I know the candles are lit out of order.


A special Sunday post to celebrate the end of the 2018 backlog. From now on “An Artist’s Notebook” will live more in the here and now, however, it should be pointed out that there is quite the 2019 backlog, but I can probably hammer that out in another 9 months or so…

Backlog Endeth

Backlog Endeth

Backlog Endeth

Focus Stacked Image

Backlog Endeth

Backlog Endeth

Backlog Endeth

Backlog Endeth

Backlog Endeth

Backlog Endeth

Believe it or not, some of the Naima pictures weren’t taken at Dickcissel. They were taken at the Jay Carlson Wildlife Area. I don’t take Naima there very often because it just isn’t setup very well for her.

The 2018 Backlog is dead! Long live the 2019 Backlog!

Celestial Dome

First of all, Happy Halloween! After a 1 year hiatus, I’ll be able to handout candy to trick-or-treaters. Which also means, I will be able to replenish the candy bar selection in the Union Street Theater. It has gotten pretty bad, since I didn’t buy any candy last year. I think all that is in the candy bucket is candy Nora got at the 2018 Pufferbilly Days Parade. Which, wasn’t the good stuff.

I do need to replenish the candy supply down there because I’m expecting a big crowd for November Movie Night. November Movie Night will be a Godzilla double feature. Celebrating Criterion’s recent release of all 15 Showa Godzilla movies in a sweet boxed set. In fact, it is the sweetest boxed set ever released in the history of boxed sets. However, I will get into that in the future, because there will certainly be several Godzilla blogs in the future as I crack into the boxed set.

But this is Halloween, therefore I need to release my annual candy bar power rankings!


10. Payday
9. Rolo
8. Kit Kat
7. Skor
6. Take 5
5. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup
4. Snickers
3. Twix Caramel
2. Peanut M&M’s
1. Whatchamacallit

Please respect my decision. No interviews at this time.

But in case you were wondering, the worst candy bars. The ones you will not be seeing me handing out tonight while watching my 4K copy of THE SHINING… Milky Way and Three Musketeers.

But enough candy, how would you like to see some sky pictures:

Celestial Dome

Celestial Dome

Celestial Dome

Celestial Dome

Celestial Dome

Celestial Dome

Celestial Dome

Took those near Ledges back in March.

Believe in Tomorrow

From the 2018 backlog. I took these flower pictures in September of last year. It seems a crime that it took me over 12 months to publish them. However, if I ever get caught up on my backlog, I plan on keeping this blog more of an up to date thing. But we’ll see how that goes.








Almost down to single digit folders in the 2018 backlog, but a couple of them are massive folders.


On Monday night, I choked when I had a chance to show a person that has a real good chance to be the next President of the United States a picture of Naima. We both have irresistible golden retrievers and we had a moment there. However, Naima is supposed to be my background of my phone, but when I opened up my phone, it was a different picture. They told me that they were going to tell Naima that she had been replaced as my wallpaper.

I had my moment and I choked. To make a small amount of amends for this tremendous failure, I’m dipping into the 2018 backlog to share some Naima pictures. A couple of these are my among my favorite Naima pictures to date.























This collection concludes the August portion of the 2018 backlog!

Subtly Dissolves

Hitting up the 2018 backlog again. This is a collection of photos I took while I was playing with the panorama setting on the trusty old 77ii.

Most of them were taken out a Dickcissel Park. This was a trip with Naima that involved her running off some pheasants. I was proud of her, because I have a spot in my heart for almost all of God’s creatures. I don’t even kill stink bugs. But I do hate pheasants and have a reputation for not liking cats.






Naima has been sad hat we haven’t made that many trips out to Dickcissel this year, but every time we go out there, she comes home with an ear affliction. But I better get out there a few times before the weather makes it impossible.

Pufferbilly Days Photo Contest Results

Another Pufferbilly Days has drawn to a close. Seems like a fitting time to share the pictures that my loyal fans selected for me to enter into the Pufferbilly Days Photo Contest and furthermore, if any of those pictures received any form of love.

Here are my entries:

Pufferbilly Days Photo Contest - 2019
Displayed – Hidden Treasures of Boone County

Pufferbilly Days Photo Contest - 2019
Displayed – Hidden Treasures of Boone County

Pufferbilly Days Photo Contest - 2019
Displayed – Photojournalism

Pufferbilly Days Photo Contest - 2019
1st Place – Photoshop

Pufferbilly Days Photo Contest - 2019
1st Place – Nature

Pufferbilly Days Photo Contest - 2019
Displayed – Nature

In the last 2 years I’ve been blessed to get 1st Place in 3 of the 4 enigmatic Pufferbilly Days categories. However, Hidden Treasures of Boone County has still eluded me. I got a 3rd Place in that category last year. I might have to make that a focal point of some of my photography in the next few months. Unless I somehow get my wish and get some kind of administrative role with the Pufferbilly Days Photo Contest.

I do have a small group of photographers that would probably help me start my own Photo Contest, I just don’t know in what context I could start a contest and have it work.

Thanks again to everybody who voted to help select my entries!