Category Archives: Portrait

Personal Photo Project of the Week #54

9 Emotions Project - Cousin Amy
Amy – 9 Emotions

Of all the people I have ever met in my life, perhaps only Marla Gorshe hates having her picture taken more than Cousin Amy. So I was very pleased when Sara was able to talk her into posing for this latest Personal Photo Project. The fact that she was the very first person to pose for the picture showed an amount of bravery that I respect.

The 9 emotions are from left to right – top to bottom are:

1. Joy
2. Sadness
3. Anger
4. Amusement
5. Fear
6. Jealousy
7. Surprise
8. Sympathy
9. Boredom

This is the project that will in the end replace the Friend Wall. I was originally going to photograph 9 people since I had 9 emotions, but now I think that I might expand this photo project to include more than 9 people because I have been very pleased with the results of the 4.5 people that have posed for it thus far.

A closer look at the 9 emotions:

Cousin Amy - Joy

Cousin Amy - Sadness

Cousin Amy - Anger

Cousin Amy - Amusement

Cousin Amy - Fear

Cousin Amy - Jealousy

Cousin Amy - Surprise

Cousin Amy - Sympathy

Cousin Amy - Boredom

It has been said that the best artists are the artists that best hide their inspirations, but I’ll just tell you flat out that this idea is being lifted from a page in the new Jon Stewart book.

Something you may be wondering is if I have the courage to have the camera turned on me and to pose for the 9 emotions picture myself. I do have the courage and I will do this after the 9th person has posed. However, I have my doubts that my 9 emotions picture will be that interesting. The only real emotion I emote is badass.

Next week’s Personal Photo Project of the Week will be Valentine’s Day related.

Youth Group Fundraiser

I did portraits as a Youth Group Fundraiser for my church about a month ago. Here are a few pictures from that night.

Youth Group Family Portrait Fundraiser - 2010

Youth Group Family Portrait Fundraiser - 2010

Youth Group Family Portrait Fundraiser - 2010

Youth Group Family Portrait Fundraiser - 2010

Youth Group Family Portrait Fundraiser - 2010

In unrelated religious fundraiser news, a photograph of mine will be included in a silent auction during the Sacred Heart Carnival.

I don’t really know many details about the event, besides that it will be on February 4 in Boone, I presume.

If you are around Boone on February 4 and want a chance to own a piece of my art, here is your chance. I will provide more information as more information becomes available to me.

RWPE #47 – Discover

I don’t know if it was the theme or if it was the holiday, but once again submissions were somewhat anemic. Here are the submissions for DISCOVER.

Christopher D. Bennett

Dawn Krause

Mike Vest

There are only 5 themes left before this little experiment starts over. I went down and kicked the Random Theme Generator and told it to give me a theme that would light the fires of creativity under more people. It just sat there. Then it spit out the following theme:


On the surface that seems like a good solid theme that could be interpreted in a bazillion different ways. Hopefully this will get RWPE back on track.

Personal Photo Project of the Week #42

7 of 6

When it comes to framing and matting pictures I am a horrible procrastinator. So when Jill invited me to Evie’s final baby shower so that “Derrick and Rob would have somebody to talk to”, it provided me with a deadline.

I needed that deadline because although I had planned this project since shortly after Derrick told me that Jen was pregnant by telling me that they were canceling our trip to Kansas City to see the Cyclones play the Wildcats and I found this window sitting in my basement just begging to be used for such a project, I sometimes sit on things.

After all, I needed a gift for the baby shower. Otherwise, what would justify my eating of all the delicious free food? My natural charisma only takes me so far.

I got Teresa to cut the pictures since she has a steady hand and let’s face it, attention-to-detail isn’t exactly in my toolbox. Even though I’ve tried to purchase it at the local Sears on more than one occasion.

The baby shower was on a Sunday. We put it together on a Friday night. I snapped this picture and emailed it to Jill on the Saturday morning before I left to start the tailgating adventure before the final Iowa State-Nebraska game.

Since I didn’t get home from that game until after midnight and I woke up early for Church the next day and left for the baby shower shortly after I got out of my Methodist Men Board Meeting, what you see above is the only picture I have of the culmination of what was an 8 month project from beginning to end.

Probably the longest photo project of my career.


I am doing the photography for Story County Philanthropy Day. As part of this process I took pictures of the award recipients and the emcee for the program and the press release.

These are those pictures:

Philanthropy Day - 2010
JoAnn Mosely

Philanthropy Day - 2010
Story County Youth Philanthropist

Philanthropy Day - 2010
Marvin and Janice Walter

Philanthropy Day - 2010
Neala Benson

Philanthropy Day - 2010
Deb Fennelly

Philanthropy Day - 2010
Greater Iowa Credit Union

Philanthropy Day - 2010
MGMC Auxiliary

Philanthropy Day - 2010
MGMC Auxiliary

I will also be doing photography for the event itself.