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Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 16

This is the first Personal Photo Project of the Week where I didn’t actually take the pictures. I just designed them. Sara was kind enough to take time off from her studies to come up and take these pictures that graced my birthday barbecue invitations.

These pictures are not presented in order of personal preference, but simply in the order that they were taken.

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 16
Done Got Old Alpha

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 16
Done Got Old Beta

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 16
Done Got Old Gamma

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 16
Done Got Old Delta

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 16
Done Got Old Epsilon

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 16
Done Got Old Zeta

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 16
Done Got Old Eta

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 16
Done Got Old Iota

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 16
Done Got Old Kappa

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 16
Done Got Old Lambda

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 16
Done Got Old Mu

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 16
Done Got Old Nu

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 16
Done Got Old Xi

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 16
Done Got Old Omnicron

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 16
Done Got Old Pi

The theme for the invites this year came from an old blues song originally recorded by Junior Kimbrough, (I think) but was introduced to me by Buddy Guy on his album Sweet Tea. An album that I believe might have been a gift from a Sam Goody employee.

I’m not going to pretend that the song is a masterwork, but you never know where you will find inspiration.

Done Got Old

Well, I done got old,
Can’t do the things I used to
‘Cause I’m an old man

Well, I done got old,
Well, I done got old,
I can’t do the things I used to do
“Cause I done got old,

Remember the day, baby
That done passed and gone
When I could love you
Most all night long

But now things gone changed
And I done got old
I can’t do the things I used to do
‘Cause I’m an old man

I can’t look like I used to
I can’t walk like I used to
I can’t love like I used to,

And now things gone changed
When I done got old
I can’t do the things I used to do
Because I’m an old man

And I’m an old man
I’m an old man
I’m an old man
And I’m not the same
I’m a very old man

In addition to Sara taking the pictures I should thank her for loaning me the prop cane. Derrick was also instrumental (bad pun intended) in loaning me the unstringed, left handed guitar with real bullet holes.

After the photo shoot, Sara and I met up with Jen and Derrick and went to Wallaby’s for celebratory fried mushrooms. Something that I like to think is a tradition for us.

To answer two surprisingly common questions:

1. Yes, the white shoes were intentional. A lot of people have a problem getting their head around the white shoes, but believe me they were very intentional. Even Sara had a little difficulty with them. Her first few pictures she tried to shoot around them until I told her that they should be in the picture.
2. My favorite pictures are Alpha and Mu.

I ordered something like 75 prints and since I only have about 10 friends and I don’t have much use for pictures of me, if you show up to the barbecue and want an additional picture of Blind Dog Bennett, that might be arranged.

One last sidenote, the guitar is destined to be turned into a clock, but if it doesn’t become a timepiece, Derrick is going to set it on fire and smash it. After all, that is what Derrick likes to do.

2 thoughts on “Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 16”

  1. I’m partial to Alpha and Lambda.

    The beauty of working at Sam Goody were those CDs that you normally wouldn’t have even know had been released if you just listened to the mainstream radio, but the labels would send. I miss getting to listen to all of those…

  2. Mainstream radio has even gotten worse now. It is hard to imagine any band that wasn’t being pushed by a major label on mainstream radio making it big nowadays.

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