Morning in America

Last Saturday morning I was able to take get up at the crack of dawn and drive down to the High Trestle Trail to take Rodan139 on a flight around the Des Moines River Valley. Well, we didn’t go much around the valley as a I was pretty cautious with flying it there, since it was our first flight in that area.

Here are some of the pictures from the flight:

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

Morning in America

If anything, I need to leave my house even earlier next time. Although as we quickly approach the fall, sunrise keeps getting later and later. Sunset keeps getting earlier and earlier.

I’m 95% sure one of these pictures will grace the pages of the 2021 Photography 139 Calendar.