Here is Part 5 of the story of my Grandma Bennett’s brief third marriage.
Sentence in Shooting of M. Handschin
Sioux City Woman Given 10 Years At Women’s Reformatory at Rockwell City
Sioux City, Jan. 26 – Mrs. Martelle McPeek, 29, of Sioux City, today was under sentence of 10 years in the women’s reformatory at Rockwell City for the slaying of Maurice W. Handschin, 37, packinghouse worker.
Mrs. McPeek was sentenced late yesterday by Dist. Judge D.C. Browning, after she pleaded guilty to murder charges. The court decided the offense was second-degree murder.
Mrs. McPeek confessed shooting Handschin on January 11 because he had married another woman after promising to marry her.
She testified that Handschin, who died late Wednesday of a bullet wound through his abdomen, had threatened to beat her after his return from Boone with his bride the former Mrs. Berniece Kessler, mother of a 7 year-old daughter.
Mrs. McPeek said that after friends told her of Handschin’s threats, she changed the door locks on her home where Handschin had been a roomer for six years.
Following the shooting, William McPeek, the accused woman’s husband, filed suit for $130 room rent against Handschin.
Here is the newspaper article:
I will share Part 6, the final part, of this story on Sunday.
Back earlier in the year, I had an idea for decorating my hallway with a photomosaic self-portrait. I have since abandoned this photo project, but thought I would share some of the self-portraits I took that were test shots for what would be the base image for the photomosaic that will never exist.
At some point, I might try a different photomosaic project, but it won’t be in my hallway.
This is your reminder that this week’s THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE theme is ARCHITECTURE:
Architecture! What a great theme for Year 8 of THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE.
But what is an ARCHITECTURE image? Simply put ARCHITECTURE photography is the photographing of structures. Buildings mostly, but there are other types of structures. Bridges. Towers. Bleachers. Try to capture a beautiful construction or parts of it in an interesting way.
Think on the following quote when you think about creating your ARCHITECTURE image:
Even a brick wants to be something.
-Louis Kahn
Happy photo harvesting!