Today is Jay’s birthday, so I need to wish him a happy birthday. Happy birthday Jay!

I hope your birthday is as magical as this photo that was done completely in camera. What am I saying? I know your birthday was magical! You spent a good chunk of the day with me! Which most people will tell you, spending large chunks of time with me is pretty magical.
Many people asked me when I completed THE TOWN SIGN PROJECT, “so what is your next project?” But usually they said it in a tone that was less supportive and more accusatory. Like “Whatcha gonna do now ya one trick pony?”
While I might be a one trick pony, I did have more than a few ideas up my sleeves. In fact, I had one main idea I wanted to pursue, but that project I haven’t pursued at all. Not even a little bit. Not at all.
However, I have pursued a completely different project that wasn’t on my radar at all. It just sort of came to me, like an epiphany one might say. Kind of the way most of my ideas come to me. Either while I’m sleeping or while I’m driving and every once in awhile, while I’m sleeping while I’m driving. Which I don’t recommend, but I’m a busy guy. Sometimes I need to get places and take a nap at the same time. It’s called multi-tasking and chicks dig it.
This other project is based on the fact that there is a dearth of public art in Boone. While there are numerous talented artists in Boone. “In fact, at least 2 live on my block alone” he said while counting himself as one without a hint of irony. About the public art in Boone is a train mural, a statue of Teddy Roosevelt, and the Freedom Rock. Well turn it up man. Sorry, not that kind of Freedom Rock. But I wish it was that kind of Freedom Rock.
There is also at least one local graffiti artist. At least there is one out there trying real hard. But the best and largest collection of public art in Boone comes rolling in on the Union Pacific railroad line. Choo Choo art lovers! Graffiti from all over the country comes rolling in like a mobile art gallery with extremely limited engagements.
While much of the graffiti isn’t great, there are many that blow the mind. I decided to start capturing “found art” I find in or near the confines of Boone. I’m calling it THE BOONE ART CENTER PROJECT. When I get to about 25 pieces of art or pictures of pieces of art that I like, I will release a collection.
This is the first of those collections:

All of these pictures were taken east of Boone from the shoulder of Old-30, but that doesn’t mean all these “found” art pieces will be taken east of town or even they will all be on the side of railroad cars for that matter. But almost all of them have been up until now.
Not sure when the next collection will be released, but it can’t be too far in the future.
Love the project and second the motion that some of this art is amazing. Looking forward to what you find.
This is a great idea.
While I was driving home from Ledges on Sunday on several “curve” signs somebody had painted a penis. And as, not an expert, but a fan of penis paintings, I could tell that there skill was improving with every sign that they added a penis to. I did not stop to photograph it, but I might have to make it out there before the haters clean them up.
Thanks! I should stop back out at the skate park and see if anything new has been added out there. I’ve thought about making a Facebook Page for this project, but then I remember how much I hate Facebook.
But the one thing I hate more than Facebook is the fact that Elon Musk is such a reprehensible human being that he has made me root for Zuckerberg. Choose you right wing nutjob!
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