The Windy City: Day 3C

I have a confession to make here. When I decided to combine cell phone pictures with the “real” camera pictures into the same posts, I would have made my life a lot easier if I had realized that I hadn’t changed the clock settings on my camera after Daylight Savings ended or began or whatever it does in the spring. For that reason, putting the pictures in chronological order is something that fails me at times.

Anyways, we will begin where we left off last Friday. Lowell and I had walked to Buckingham Fountain, just to see that it wasn’t turned on. After the disappointment we began walking to some restaurant where the sales team hosts everybody for apps and brews at a restaurant as a “thanks” for working the Big Convention.

Chicago, Illinois
View from near Buckingham Fountain.

Chicago, Illinois
Chicago Rules? This should be a universal rule.

Chicago, Illinois
I wish I knew what this sticker said, but I do know that generational wealth is one of the great evils of our time.

Chicago, Illinois
I really don’t know what this is.

Chicago, Illinois
The Bean again. But this time you had to go through a security checkpoint to see it.

Chicago, Illinois
The Bean from farther away.

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois
I had never heard of Garrett Popcorn, but apparently it is where it’s at in the popcorn world.

Chicago, Illinois
I was tasked with bringing back popcorn for Elizabeth and for Scottie. D. Elizabeth’s order was more complicated.

Chicago, Illinois
I left the “party” to go get the popcorn. But I decided to head back.

Chicago, Illinois
On my way back I saw the signs of the houseless situation in Chicago.

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois
Walking back to the hotel with Jodi, Michelle, Michelle, Lowell, and not pictured Cathie.

Chicago, Illinois
Remember when I said Lowell’s room had a much better view? I wasn’t foolin’.

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois
That mural is way better than the nachos at the Taco Pub.

Chicago, Illinois
Have I mentioned that I love street art?

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois
This mural was on one of the walls of the hotel.

That concludes Day 3 of the work trip to Chicago. Day 4 was like a 13 hour work day. My only pictures are of the Big Convention. So I might combine Day 4 and Day 5. We’ll see where it itches when we get there.