Category Archives: Tim

The End of Random NYC

This is the end of the random NYC images. Please shed no tears.

Some of the pictures are from the Brooklyn Bridge:

Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty

Lovers put a lock on the Brooklyn Bridge to seal their love and then throw the key over the side.

Steph and I

Steph and I

Sarah, Tim and I

Sarah and Jesse

Sarah and I

Manhattan Bridge

Jesse and I

Jesse and I

Some were taken at Grand Central Station…

The rest are from the exotic Roosevelt Island Tram…

Next week’s random Wednesday will be pictures from Iowa State’s Spring Game.

The Archives: Edition Twelve

These pictures come from: backup/Old My Pictures/Family

This is sort of a weird collection of pictures. So I think I won’t really describe or explain them, but just let them stand on their own.










Next week’s folder will be: backup/Old My Pictures/Family/2004 B&W

RWPE Y2 #10 – Still Life

There weren’t many submissions for STILL LIFE, but at least Julie joined us again! Here are the submissions for STILL LIFE:

Mike Vest of Waxen Media

Christopher D. Bennett

Julie Johnson of The Joy Is In The Journey

I went over to talk to the Random Theme Generator and it immediately spit out a theme for this week:


A great and easy subject for me as I am considered one of the world’s foremost masters of communication. I just hope this theme comes as easy for others as it does for me.

A look back at 2010’s submissions for COMMUNICATION:



It is March Madness again, that means that it is time once again for the Roundball Oracles annual NCAA tournament pool. I have already sent out quite a few emails with directions on how to join the pool, but if I missed you or haven’t gotten to you yet, drop me an email at and I will get the information to you forthwith.

As always, this isn’t a boy’s club. Women, small children and the elderly are welcome to sit at my feet and be taught lessons by my extensive basketball knowledge and basketball prognostication skills.

As always, the only fee to enter is pride. The only prize given out to the losers is humility. However, I do provide a trophy to the winner. That trophy is going to look nice sitting on my desk this year.

As always, I hope the winner isn’t Mark Wolfram.

Past Champions

2010 – Mark Wolfram
2009 – Mark Wolfram
2008 – Mark Wolfram
2007 – Tim Peterson
2006 – William McAlpine
2005 – William McAlpine

Last year we had a record number of participants. Basketball knowledge is not a prerequisite for participation. Just ask Carrie Baier from last year!

Wednesday Surprise

I usually spend Wednesday nights at open gym honing my basketball craft to a fine art. I had plans of continuing this honing on this Wednesday night, but it wasn’t to be.

As I was working away at the Computer Mine, my phone rang. The smiling face (not really smiling) that looked back at me when I picked up my phone was Becca. This was somewhat of a surprise because I haven’t talked to Becca in a few months, but not a complete surprise because this week was supposed to be Closing Day on Bethany’s new house. I thought the call would be related to that adventure, but it wasn’t.

Becca was in town and wanted to know if I had plans for the night.

I told her I didn’t have any plans that I couldn’t break for her.

She suggested we meet up for supper and as a bonus, I would get to meet her boyfriend Gelli.

I told her it was a deal.

I decided to shaft on basketball. Not only was Becca a higher priority, but after my performance on Sunday I know that the full arsenal of my basketball game is coming back. To practice my game even more would be the equivalent of a capital gains tax cut. The rich get richer.

Sure, some of that wealth would trickle down to the poorer players through my greatness. Assists, offensive rebounds, help defense, drawing double-triple-quadruple teams, zone stretching outside range and zone collapsing post moves are just some of the examples of ways that my teammates would feel the trickle of my wealth.

But, to improve too much more just seems greedy.

My game might have suffered slightly, but I had a great supper with Becca, Gelli, Tim and Barb.

After the dinner, I did take a picture of Becca and Gelli.

Becca and Gelli

The classic Becca fake portrait smile. I prefer the Becca smirk.

But any time you can get her to have her picture taken is a victory. No matter the facial expression.

The Roundball Oracles: Year 4

2005-William McAlpine
2006-William McAlpine
2007-Tim Peterson

Now the name Mark Wolfram will sit proudly next to theirs. The miracle comeback of Kansas made them champions. It also made Mark the third champion of The Roundball Oracles (An NCAA tournament pool).

The Final Standings:

  1. Mark Wolfram (Taiwan Hoops) 136 points
  2. Lowell Davis (Davis) 114 points
  3. Jesse Howard (Goldie’s Bracket Brilliance) 108 points
  4. Dan Dill (dandydan) 92 points
  5. Corey Faust (UCLA Love) 90 points
  6. Jason Baier (Baier’s Winning Bracket) 90 points
  7. Tim Peterson (Dominate Monkey) 87 points
  8. Toby Sebring (esgefhg) 85 points
  9. Me (The Zechariah of the Hardwood) 85 points
  10. Willy McAlpine (william) 84 points
  11. Bill Wentworth (Bill’s) 84 points
  12. Frank Meiners (FHM) 75 points
  13. Nate Buckingham (Wade Lookingbill allstars) 73 points
  14. Robert Henning (Drake Bandwagon) 64 points
  15. Russell Kennerly (Fighting Grossmans) 61 points

A trophy has been ordered and will be given to Mark when he returns from Taiwan. I miss college basketball already.

My Happy Easter

I feel like posting some pictures from Easter.


Carla & Mom Watching Egg Hunt

Egg Hunt

Neighbor’s Dog that Doesn’t Shut Up


Alexis Sorting Eggs

Teresa Displaying the Maturity of her Years



Jason, Carla & Brandon



Teresa Crocheting

Vacation Pictures

I also had supper with Shorty, Doris, Tim, Rebecca and Nate. Doris told us the joke that their Pastor (Pastor Rod) had told the congregation on that day. I thought it was kind of funny.

“The elders of the church decided that since Easter was coming up they wanted to have a really special speaker for the Service. They thought about it for a bit and they decided that they wanted the most knowledgeable Pastor they could find to give the sermon.
So they went to him and he turned them down.
They thought about it some more and decided they should get the most eloquent Pastor to give the sermon.
So they found the most eloquent Pastor and asked him, but he turned them down.
They went back to the church and thought about it some more. They decided that they should get the best looking Pastor they could find to give the sermon.
So they found the best looking Pastor and asked him, but he turned them down.
They went back to the church and thought about it some more.
Then one of them said: “Well we can still get Pastor Rod.”
They all decided that was a good idea and they came to me and asked me to give the sermon on Easter Sunday.
I told them, “Yes.”
After all, I had already turned them down three times.”

I hope you had a Happy Easter.