Category Archives: Friends


An old timey contributor came back to the fold this week. Hopefully she makes it a consistent habit down the homestretch of the failed Random Weekly Photo Experiment.

Dawn Krause of Impassioned Versifier

Christopher D. Bennett

Mike Vest of Waxen Media

You might be wondering if I am going to contribute a picture of my dog or bunny every week for the last 10 weeks of this failure.

What if I do?

This week’s theme:


Last year’s submissions for LOVE:

LOVE – 2010

Hopefully a few more people can submit a picture of something or somebody that they love this week. I hate to think there isn’t very much love on the outskirts of my world.

The Taiwan Times – October 2011

The Taiwan Times
By Mark Wolfram
Reporting on God’s mission in Taiwan
October 2011

20 to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, 21 and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God.[a] It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 22 who has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand—with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him.
1 Peter 3:20-22
 Reaching out through baptism
God is a patient God. He continues to love us and reach out to us with his grace and mercy, even when we don’t love him or our neighbors. He calls us and snatches us from the claws of sin, into a true joy in Christ. This month I’d like to share about an example of God’s continued pursuit and welcoming of a new member into his family through water and word.
We were blessed on Sunday October 2, to have a baptism and confirmation at Salvation Lutheran Church. First, a student in our youth group named Lin, was brought into God’s family through the waters of holy baptism. Lin is a great testimony of God’s working in his own time and way.
I remember about 4 years ago, the youth group was taking an outing in the Chia-Yi area. Pastor Paul (who was a “fill-in” pastor for one year), was leading it and I was one of the chaperones for the students as we went to see a few monuments and go for a hike. Throughout the trip, we would talk and joke around with the kids, and try to answer questions that they had.
At that time, my Chinese was starting to improve and I could understand a lot more of what I was being spoken around me. I distinctly remember a conversation that Pastor Paul had with Lin concerning baptism. He asked her if she had ever thought about getting baptized, and explained how it was an assurance and out-pouring of God’s Holy Spirit, in which God promises eternal life. Pastor Paul asked her if she was interested in baptism, and she just kind of shrugged and didn’t respond.
I remember feeling discouraged at the time and thinking that she must not be that receptive to the message of the Gospel. However, praise God that the story does not end there and that he does not give-up. Lynn continued coming to youth group, and continued to hear God’s word, and now is a baptized Christian.
In addition to Lin’s baptism and confirmation, a high school classmate of hers named Wei, confirmed her Christian faith during the worship service.
Here are some videos if you would like to watch the baptism, confirmation, or just practice your Chinese!
Lin’s Baptism

Wei’s Confirmation

I wanted to share this story with you, to help you understand how God continues to work through you, me, and all the Christians here in Taiwan and in America. God hears our prayers and answers them in his way and his time. I hope you remember this, and that God will present to you opportunities to share his love with the people around you.
More teachers needed
Here at the elementary portion of our school, we are in desperate need for more teachers. We currently only have 2 elementary teachers on staff, and the school has asked teachers from the high school to teacher overtime hours to pick-up missing classes. If you know anyone who is interested in serving overseas as an English teacher, please let them know about the need in Taiwan. I can give them more specific information if they contact me. We could have teachers start as early as February, which would be the start of our second semester.
It’s prayer time:
  1. Pray for my fellow teacher Noel Schaff, who is back in the US getting treatment for some growths that are in her body. Pray for God to heal her body, comfort her spirits and help her to put full trust in Jesus. Pray also for Noel’s husband Andrew, who is here in Taiwan continuing to teach.
  2. Pray for Lin and Wei, that God would continue to grow their faith in him.
  3. Pray for God to raise up new teachers to come and serve at CELA.
  4. Praise God for the service of short term mission team Ken and Mildred Young, as well as a wonderful experience at the ALEA conference in Hong Kong. Both of these took place in the last part of October and I’ll report more on these in next month’s newsletter.


God’s peace be with you!

Meet the Bennetts

On the Sunday before Labor Day I hosted a little Bennett Family Reunion. Although none of the Fort Dodge Bennetts attended, I think it was a rousing success. It was the first reunion of its kind in at least 20 years. I hope that we can have another one next year.

Here are a few pictures from the day:

Just a couple notes. This was Naima’s first family function and she handled herself wonderfully for only having been in her new home for 5 days. Amazingly, she had yet to discover human food. That turned out to be a short lived nirvana though.

Also, I only wore that horrible Chiefs shirt to honor my cousin Jordan who is the most realistic Chiefs fan I know. So thanks for giving me that shirts Mr. Baier. It was a hit.

Personal Photo Project of the Week #87

Truth Perception
Truth Perception

I should give thanks to Micky for helping make this picture possible. He saved a few lotus(es) from Lake Augustin.

I should also point out that while I thought about this picture for a long time, I didn’t really executed as wisely as I could have. I did set my Grandpa’s old stool on fire during this process, but don’t worry, they made stuff tough back then. That old stool is still kicking.

Here are the rest of the pictures from the Truth Perception Series:

Truth Perception

Truth Perception

Truth Perception

Truth Perception

Truth Perception

Truth Perception

Truth Perception

Truth Perception

Truth Perception

Truth Perception

Truth Perception

Truth Perception

Truth Perception

Truth Perception

Truth Perception

Truth Perception

Truth Perception

Truth Perception

Next week’s Personal Photo Project will involve mums.

Giant Steps

I hate the phrase “things happen for a reason” more than I hate any other phrase in the world. That doesn’t mean that I don’t necessarily believe in fate, but for the most part I don’t like fate. Its plans run contrary to my plans, no matter how hard I work on my plans. So fate can go suck an egg.

However, sometimes fate works out in my favor, even though I don’t know it.

One of those fate just screwed me over, but it ended up working out pretty well for me moments was when my wheel flew off my car on my way to Minnesota a few weeks back. I had a pretty sweet vacation planned, but it all went into the ditch with my wheel and more money than I care to think about.

I rescheduled my vacation for the last week in August. That movement of my vacation just a few days allowed me to complete Operation Puppy sooner than I anticipated.

I knew when I finally got a puppy, it would be while I was on vacation and I didn’t think that I would be taking a vacation for several more months, but I still checked several websites and newspaper (okay newspaper websites) for the puppy that I wanted. A female golden retriever.

A simple enough request, but there weren’t many in the area. Then an ad for a bunch of puppies showed up in the Des Moines Register.

I wrote them and they gave me the sad news, all of their female puppies were probably claimed. 2 were for sure. The other two were most likely claimed.

I wrote them back and let them know that if one of the females became available, I wanted to be at the front of the list. That was on a Wednesday. I resigned myself to the fact that I wouldn’t be getting a puppy for several more weeks or months.

Then on Friday they wrote me to tell me that they thought that one of the females might be coming available, but could not make any promises.

I made plans to drive up near Hubbard on Saturday to see the puppies. I figured that it would be a fruitless trip, but it wouldn’t hurt to see some puppies. The cutest most adorable kind of puppy: golden retrievers!

Then on Saturday morning I got an email saying that they had a female for me.

That afternoon Jason, Alexis, and I drove up to see the puppies. I put down a deposit and set up a day and time to come pick up my puppy. I worked it out so that I could pick her up on the Wednesday of my vacation as I came back down from Minnesota.

The next step was coming up with a name. I struggled with a name, but eventually with the help of friends a name was found. Here are some of the suggestions I received:

Willy: Cuddles or Miss Wiggles
Faust: Steele & Melanie
Jen: Mila
Jill: Daisy
Sara: Astrid, Mahtob and then she sent me a list of about 200 other suggestions.
Carla: Chloe, then she went out and bought a puppy and named it Chloe.

But it was actually a suggestion by Derrick that put me on the road to the name. While we were sitting on a bench at the State Fair resting, he asked if there was a female character from a Kubrick movie that I liked. I have to confess that Kubrick movies aren’t filled with extremely strong female characters. If you take out the prostitute from Eyes Wide Shut or the sniper from Full Metal Jacket, that really leaves you with Lolita and I’m not naming a dog after Lolita.

I toyed with the idea of Kubrick and then Coltrane as a name, but those were just too male sounding names. I was stalled.

Then fate took a hand again. Every morning I run shuffle on Media Player and then post whatever the first song that comes up to Twitter. Now, I know that nobody in the world cares at all what song I am listening to during that exact moment of the day. I do it as a reminder to the world that I have better taste in music than they do.

On August 24th a Miles Davis song was the song that shuffle landed on and I posted the following to Twitter:

“In a Silent Way/It’s About That Time…”-Miles Davis-In A Silent Way-If I were getting a male (puppy), I would name it Miles, Coltrane or Kubrick.”

Dawn replied to my tweet with this tweet:

“How about Naima? Unusual & fits the jazz theme…”

It was a great idea and while I marinated on the idea for a couple of days, in the end, I decided it was too great of an idea to pass up. So I named my puppy after one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite musicians.

I had a name and a week later I had a puppy. Here are a few of the pictures from my first few days with Naima:

Next week’s Wednesday randomness will feature pictures from the mini family reunion I hosted Labor Day weekend.