Category Archives: Candid Portrait

Swearing In

A few weeks back I went down to Camp Dodge to watch Johnathan be sworn into the Air Force. Here are a few pictures from that ceremony.

Unfortunately, Johnathan was injured during basic training. He will be returning home to Iowa to recuperate. He can return to the Air Force when he is fully healed if he so chooses. Either way, we are still awfully proud of him.

The Archives: Edition Sixty

The following images come from:

Backup/My Pictures/People/Family/Bennetts

All these pictures were taken at a Majors Family Reunion, not a Bennett Family Reunion, but.. whatever.

The strangest thing has dawned on my while I was looking through these pictures. For the first time in my life, I am looking forward to the Majors Family Reunion this year. Another sign that I am getting old.

Next week’s folder will be:

Backup/My Pictures/People/Family/Bennetts/Kahlers/Brandon Kahler

Iowa Gothic

Jesse and I went on a road trip a ways back. Here are some images from that trip, provided with the occasional commentary.

I love the fact that “Loafing” was prohibited.

I had to have this picture taken as 1 of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite movies (Taxi Driver) is when Robert DeNiro takes his date to the porn theater because he doesn’t know any better.

The chick that ran this place was awesome & I think we were her favorite guests of the day.

There aren’t enough buildings in Iowa that are marked where a ship ran into them.


Anybody who knows the exact reason why we stopped to take this picture is one of my favorite people in the world.

I am already looking forward to our next road trip. Maybe a couple more people will join us. If interested, forward your Road Tripping Resume to me. We will be looking for people with a sense of adventure and a large bladder. The bladder size is negotiable.


I’m sure many people have already seen these images, but for those who haven’t, I took pictures for the Boone Challenger Program a few weeks back.

Jesse and Lowell run the Challenger program and contacted me about doing their photography. Here are some of the images:

Boone Little League Challenger Program - 2011

Boone Little League Challenger Program - 2011

Boone Little League Challenger Program - 2011

Boone Little League Challenger Program - 2011

Boone Little League Challenger Program - 2011

Boone Little League Challenger Program - 2011

Boone Little League Challenger Program - 2011

Boone Little League Challenger Program - 2011

Boone Little League Challenger Program - 2011

Boone Little League Challenger Program - 2011

Boone Little League Challenger Program - 2011

Boone Little League Challenger Program - 2011

Boone Little League Challenger Program - 2011

Boone Little League Challenger Program - 2011

Boone Little League Challenger Program - 2011

There are many, many, many more images in the album in the store:

Boone Challenger Program

Included in that collection of photos is what was nearly the last picture I ever took.

Next week’s random Wednesday collection will be a collection of my cousin Sarah’s pictures from my trip to New York that I received in the mail recently. Along with a few NYC “souvenirs”.