Category Archives: Candid Portrait

The End of Random NYC

This is the end of the random NYC images. Please shed no tears.

Some of the pictures are from the Brooklyn Bridge:

Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty

Lovers put a lock on the Brooklyn Bridge to seal their love and then throw the key over the side.

Steph and I

Steph and I

Sarah, Tim and I

Sarah and Jesse

Sarah and I

Manhattan Bridge

Jesse and I

Jesse and I

Some were taken at Grand Central Station…

The rest are from the exotic Roosevelt Island Tram…

Next week’s random Wednesday will be pictures from Iowa State’s Spring Game.

More Random NYC – Liberty Island and Day 3

Here are some more random images from Day 3 and Liberty Island:

Sarah at Benny’s Burritos

We didn’t eat here, but this restaurant is famous for being in When Harry Met Sally.

The Staten Island Ferry

The girl who took this picture was overly impressed with my camera.

Next Wednesday will feature even more random New York City images.

More Random NYC – Ellis Island and Financial District

More random New York City images from the second day of the trip. These pictures were mostly taken on Ellis Island and around the financial district.

Regrettably, I didn’t see one Goldman Sachs piece of garbage to mug.

More random New York City images will be coming your way next Wednesday as well.

Personal Photo Project of the Week #54

9 Emotions Project - Cousin Amy
Amy – 9 Emotions

Of all the people I have ever met in my life, perhaps only Marla Gorshe hates having her picture taken more than Cousin Amy. So I was very pleased when Sara was able to talk her into posing for this latest Personal Photo Project. The fact that she was the very first person to pose for the picture showed an amount of bravery that I respect.

The 9 emotions are from left to right – top to bottom are:

1. Joy
2. Sadness
3. Anger
4. Amusement
5. Fear
6. Jealousy
7. Surprise
8. Sympathy
9. Boredom

This is the project that will in the end replace the Friend Wall. I was originally going to photograph 9 people since I had 9 emotions, but now I think that I might expand this photo project to include more than 9 people because I have been very pleased with the results of the 4.5 people that have posed for it thus far.

A closer look at the 9 emotions:

Cousin Amy - Joy

Cousin Amy - Sadness

Cousin Amy - Anger

Cousin Amy - Amusement

Cousin Amy - Fear

Cousin Amy - Jealousy

Cousin Amy - Surprise

Cousin Amy - Sympathy

Cousin Amy - Boredom

It has been said that the best artists are the artists that best hide their inspirations, but I’ll just tell you flat out that this idea is being lifted from a page in the new Jon Stewart book.

Something you may be wondering is if I have the courage to have the camera turned on me and to pose for the 9 emotions picture myself. I do have the courage and I will do this after the 9th person has posed. However, I have my doubts that my 9 emotions picture will be that interesting. The only real emotion I emote is badass.

Next week’s Personal Photo Project of the Week will be Valentine’s Day related.

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done

Small people talk about other people.
Average people talk about things.
Great people talk about ideas.

When I first began my sentence with the Boone Outpost of the Evil Clown Empire, there was a ludicrous sign posted in the crew room that had this observation written on it. I’m not sure who put the sign up or who they were trying to fool or how much they were trying to lie themselves, but the wage slaves of this joint were at least 60% high school students or middle aged women. Talking about other people is what high school students and middle aged women do.

If that sign is to be believed, I hang out with lots of “small people” because when my entourage and I are hanging around the Photography 139 water cooler, a popular topic of conversation is: “What is the dumbest thing Shannon Bardole has ever done?”

Recently Shannon took this topic of discussion off the table forever. Recently Shannon did something so foolish, so ill-conceived that there is no longer even the minutest amount of room for debate.

When I moved into my humble abode I found a few things that the previous occupants left behind. Amongst those things was two jars of pickles.

My first (and the only rational inclination) was to dispose of these potentially toxic inedibles in the nearest refuse bin and forget that they ever existed.

I did not do what logic and safety dictates because Shannon insisted that she would like to try these homemade pickles that she had no information on. I mostly thought she was blowing hot air as people are prone to do, but I maintained ownership of the pickles just in case.

Left Behind
The Highly Suspect Pickles

On the night of my Birthday Barbecue she did in fact remove a pickle from this jar and eat at least 50% of the pickle.

That was over a month ago and last I knew Shannon was still alive, but eating a pickle from this jar is still “The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done”.

On a completely unrelated note, she also recently jumped out of a plane. Here are some pictures:

Shannon Skydive First Attempt

Shannon Skydive First Attempt
More Training

Shannon Skydive First Attempt
Even More Training

Shannon Skydive First Attempt
Her Noble Steed

Shannon Skydive First Attempt
Landing Practice, I Believe

Shannon Skydive First Attempt
More Noble Steed

Shannon Skydive First Attempt
The Pilot Explaining Aviation to Todd

Shannon Skydive First Attempt
Photographing Another Skydiver

Shannon Skydive First Attempt
Peggy Photographing Another Skydiver

Shannon Skydive First Attempt
It is surprising what passes for “Authorized Activities” in this day and age.

Shannon Skydive First Attempt
Shannon did not get to jump on the first day because it was too windy and she is too Lilliputian.

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
More Training

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
Strapped In

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
The Protective Helmet

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
Fashionable Safety Goggles

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
Loading Up

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds…and done a hundred things

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
You have not dreamed of…wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there,

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
It is hard to figure out what happened in the previous picture, so hopefully this helps.

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
Up, up, the long, delirious burning blue
I’ve topped the windswept heights with easy grace

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
Where never lark, nor even eagle flew.
And while with silent, lifting mind I’ve trod

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
The high untrespassed sanctity of space…
…put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
I should have found a longer poem.

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
The Cyclone Parachute

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
Almost to the Ground

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
Terra Firma

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
Boring Terra Firma

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
Seems Like a Fist Bump Might Have Been in Order Here

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
Packing up and Going Home

The Dumbest Thing Shannon Bardole has Ever Done
This is kind of a random image. Todd wanted me to take a picture of the barbed wire, so here is that picture.

Flame On

A couple weekends ago I made a trip to State Center with Teresa and Mom so I could photograph their rose garden. As is frequently the case, they got bored and left me behind so they could go to a gas station.

When they came back they told me that the fire department was burning down a house. I finished up my rose photography after about 15 more minutes and we headed over to the fire.

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

Flame On

If you are the inquisitive sort, the State Center Rose Garden pictures are slated for a release date of July 16.

Personal Photo Project of the Week No. 20

Loneliness is Underrated
Loneliness is Underrated

This is a bit unusual. Up until this week I have posted the Personal Photo Project of the Week in the order that the project was attempted. This picture of Willy was actually slated for a June 11th publishing, but I decided to slide it up a week in honor of Mr. McAlpine.

This Saturday he will be in the middle of Wisconsin attempting a 100 mile race.

That isn’t a typo. Willy is running for 100 miles.

Normally when Willy competes in these extreme running challenges he takes his brother Ken as a support network. However, this weekend Ken could not get away from keeping the streets of Cedar Rapids safe and Willy is running this race without a support team.

For this reason, I have graciously granted Willy’s request to have the Lone Wolf nickname back for this weekend. Therefore, if you are lucky enough to be in my presence, do not call me Lone Wolf, like all of you normally do. I will regain the nickname on Monday.

In case you are wondering, The Lone Wolf-Off has yet to be decided. I have yet to submit the data to the judges for their decision and Willy has requested an extension to “prove” his Lone Wolfness. A waste of time, if you ask this guy, but sleep well at night. I will post the results when I get them from the judges.

Here are a few more pictures from the “Loneliness is Underrated” Sessions.

Loneliness is Underrated Alternate

Loneliness is Underrated Alternate

Loneliness is Underrated Alternate

Loneliness is Underrated Alternate

Loneliness is Underrated Alternate

Loneliness is Underrated Alternate

I would be a failure if I didn’t point out that I am Willy’s Publicity Agent. If you would like to book Willy for an appearance at your next party, corporate banquet or charity fundraiser, contact me and we will discuss his appearance fees.