Category Archives: Candid Portrait


On Saturday, June 20, 2009 I headed to Ottumwa with Sara to help Jen and Derrick with the house that they are trying to unload down there.

Before we left, we stopped for lunch at George the Chili King. I had never eaten there, but I called Jen to see if she wanted us to pick up some lunch for her.

Her only response was to remind me that the toilet in Ottumwa does not work that well.

I snapped a few pictures with the phone (although not a great camera, it is the reason I selected the phone) to document my Chili King experience.

One of the bonuses of the trip was getting to introduce Jen, Sara, Jill and Derrick to the greatness of Bonne Finken.

Pictures of Jill and Derrick listening to Bonne Finken.




I wish I had some pictures of the basement powerwashing, but alas, you will have to imagine what that looked like.

Mother’s Day

On Mother’s Day, I hosted the first family event at the new house. I learned the following things.

1. My mom, despite literally knowing me my entire life, will takes something out of my fridge and eat it without looking at the expiration date.
2. If you ask Elainie to get mayonnaise out of the fridge, she will tell you that you don’t have mayonnaise, you only have Miracle Whip.
3. If I have popped a blister and am bleeding from my foot, I can talk Alexis into taking, not 1, but 2 pictures of my bloody foot.

Here are a couple of pictures from Mother’s Day. I will spare you the blood foot picture, unless you explicitly email me at requesting the picture.

Mother's Day - 2009

Mother's Day - 2009

Mother's Day - 2009

Mother's Day - 2009

Mother's Day - 2009

There are about 30 other Mother’s Day pictures in the Family Photo Album. Just click on the link below:

Mother’s Day

Jesus Christ Pose

Last night was Good Friday. At the conclusion of our church service the congregation walks by a simulation of the crucifixion.

I’m not going to pretend that this is one of my favorite things that my church does, but I took a few pictures since Logan played Christ.

Good Friday - 2009

Good Friday - 2009
I guess you will have to pretend that Jeff was a roman centurion, that invented glasses.

Good Friday - 2009

Good Friday - 2009

Good Friday - 2009
Putting on garbage bags for the ride home.

I think they got a bit carried away with the fake blood. At least I know that Logan would be able to get a job on the special effects crew of the next Rob Zombie film if need be.

Prayer, Reflection, Horseradish & Jumpshot

Last night my church had a fairly unique service. A woman from Jews for Jesus came and gave a presentation on the traditional Jewish Passover feast.

She explained the meaning of each cup, prayer, tradition and food item. The presentation was interactive, so we sampled many of the foods. Most of them were not tasty, including dipping parsley in salt water. But the worst by far was the horseradish.

I only had a small amount of the horseradish, but it was more than enough. This is followed by something sweet. We had an apple to represent the sweet. I can tell you that this was by far the best apple I have ever had in my life.

It was very educational. I learned a ton.

After the service I headed over to the Gorshe home to shoot some hoops on their new basketball hoop.

Derrick’s Perfect Form.

I don’t know, I just like this picture.

I look forward to many a game of basketball on their new hoop and court.

Arizona Day 6

Day 6 in Arizona was more work. At the conclusion of the work day, we were bused out into the “middle of the desert” for a “western roundup” party.

If you could get away from the cheeseball band that was lip syncing and playing to backing tracks, it was a pretty good time.

This was a costume party and I had made a deal with Jesse that if he paid for a costume, I would wear it. Well as it turns out, the costume did not fit, unless I desired to become a eunuch.

I do not desire to be a eunuch. Fortunately, no pictures of me in this costume currently exist.

Jesse’s bull costume, did fit and it was a smashing success.

Arizona Vacation

Arizona Vacation

Arizona Vacation

Arizona Vacation

Arizona Vacation

Arizona Vacation
Jesse bull riding.

Arizona Vacation

Arizona Vacation

Arizona Vacation

Arizona Vacation

After the party, there was only a half day’s worth of work left.

Arizona Day 4

Jesse and I woke up in Coolidge, Arizona and made our way to a local diner for breakfast. This place was certainly McCain Country.

We sat at the breakfast counter and listened to a couple locals complain about the governor for “being nice” to Obama. They agreed that the governor was not going to be re-elected and what made her near criminal offense even more difficult to fathom – “And she’s even a Republican!”

As I sat down at the breakfast counter I noticed that staring back at us was an NRA poster. Next to the NRA poster was a poster of John Wayne in front of an American flag with the line:

“Tell me again, why the hell do I have to dial “1” for English.”

Although I wasn’t going to order a side dish of prejudice with a sprinkling of racism with my breakfast, I got it any way.

Next to the poster of John Wayne was a poster for a fundraiser that was related to Easter. The fundraiser was a raffle. The winner of the raffle won a Glock 9mm.

I guess that makes sense, if you recall John 23:

“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee: The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again, packing heat, perhaps a Glock 9mm.”

There was also some terrible artwork for sale in this joint.

Arizona Day 4
I don’t know what is more confusing. The lighthouse, the clock or the reference to the comic stylings of Larry the Cable Guy.

Arizona Day 4
Tag’s Cafe

Arizona Day 4
Tag’s Cafe

Arizona Day 4
Tag’s Cafe

Arizona Day 4
The owners of this establishment did not like me taking pictures of their building.

Arizona Day 4
It is probably for the best that this game has been lost to the ages. It would be just one more game that I would dominate.

Arizona Day 4
Did you get a picture of a cactus?

Arizona Day 4
Did you get a black and white picture of a cactus? Okay, nobody asked that question.

Arizona Day 4
Cliche picture of a guy next to a tall cactus.

Arizona Day 4
Hohokam ruins.

Arizona Day 4
Jesse getting his learn on.

Arizona Day 4
The Big House, not the one in Ann Arbor.

Arizona Day 4
More mud ruins.

Arizona Day 4
More ruins.

Arizona Day 4
Jesse all tuckered out from a big day of looking at Hohokam ruins.

It should be noted that despite having a culture that runs contrary to my value system, Tag’s Cafe was easily the best meal I had my entire time in Arizona. Sorry Del Taco.

Arizona Day 3 – Part B

After we Del Taco, we returned to the park with the small mountain.

Arizona Day 3
A hole in the roof of the mini-mountain.

Arizona Day 3
Eric looking down on all that he rules after he ascended the peak of the mini-mountain.

Arizona Day 3
More Eric.

Arizona Day 3
The view from the mini-mountain.

Arizona Day 3
Lowell and Jesse

Arizona Day 3

Arizona Day 3
Lowell, Eric and Jesse

Arizona Day 3
Eric descending the mini-mountain.

Arizona Day 3
Another view.

Arizona Day 3
Eric on the mini-mountaintop.

Arizona Day 3
The not so rugged group photo by a parking lot.

Arizona Day 3
Look, we could be out in the middle of the wilderness!

Arizona Day 3
Yet another view.

Arizona Day 3
Air Force One

Arizona Day 3
The tomb of some guy who was such a big jerk, he wouldn’t let anybody else be governor of Arizona.

That evening we dropped Eric and Lowell back off at the resort and made the arduous journey out to Coolidge, Arizona. McCain Country.